RE: Life Changing Moment - Finally Bought My First 3 Axies For $2000


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Yo bro,sorry for the late reply! Glad to read that my post motivated you to finally buythem Axies.

Adventure mode needs some hard grinding but once your Axies reach lvl 20-25 you can spam the Lunacia Ruins lvl 20 and earn 10 SLP for your every win. No Axie is useless so no worries!

Axie is not an easy game so if you love challenging games you're gonna love it!


once your Axies reach lvl 20-25 you can spam the Lunacia Ruins lvl 20 and earn 10 SLP for your every win

Thanks for the Lunacia Ruins 20 spam tip. :)

At the moment my Axies are still at level 9 and I am currently grinding at Lunacia Ruin 6 (I already 1-starred Ruin 7 but I went with the safe approach of grinding Lunacia Ruin 6 for at least guaranteed EXP and 2 SLP per win.

And wowww I did not expect that on the higher levels one could earn 10 SLP in one go. I might be able to get the maximum 100 SLP per day due to that.

Anyways, is Daily Quest bugged at the moment or it only unlocks after reaching a certain Lunacia Ruin level? Can't see any Daily quest on mine.

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