Ξmpire State Building & Co.

I had one week in New York to capture as much as the city had to offer.

An impossible task.

The standard compositions made the list of locations to photograph with, hopefully, my own unique take. One thing on the list that did not have a specific address was a view of Manhattan I had not seen before.

It needed to be iconic, and it doesn't get much more iconic than the Empire State Building.

I started searching roof top bars and gardens with potential and found one with the perfect view on 5th near Madison Square Park. A mid-level height that allowed a sprawling view of the city skyline while hero-ing the amazing grandeur of the Empire State Building.

 " "Ξmpire State Building & Co..jpg""

This is my second NFT available on tux.art

My first listing on there, Manhattan Bliss, was collected by the creator of the platform and hugely supportive (understatement) person of NFT photography, Vince. I know in a way luck was on my side with this sale. But hardwork and luck go hand in hand. That's a post for another time.

Manhattan Bliss " "_STO5878-1.jpg"" "Watching the ferries go by on the East River while waiting for sunset, I couldn't have imagined what I was about to see.

I had a shot in mind, involving blending multiple times together into a single image. This meant keeping the camera completely still while shooting over an hour period and taking shots every minute.

When the colour in the sky started developing my jaw dropped. Everything around me took on a pink glow. In-between long exposures I was extatically sharing videos live on Instagram, sharing with everyone what I was seeing.

Manhattan looked splendid that evening and I felt very grateful that I was able to capture it."

I'm glad to be on the ground floor of tux.art and look forward to seeing how it shapes the NFT scene for years to come.

Intro Post
Website kieranstone.com
Twitter @kieranstoneau
Instagram @kieranstoneau


New York skies showing off for you!
Congrats on the sale! I'm sure the 2nd will go as well.


Wow great shots. I was just in Manhattan and wish I had a sunset like that!


Even without the skies I'd be happy to be in Manhattan 😁
