Focusing on the good side of humans

I didn't get to read so many posts today, but I was able to read a post by @wongi and it kept me wondering why people derive joy in hurting others.

The post is titled True story: a story about Laura..

Spoiler Alert❗: It's a story about a young lady whose life never remained the same after an encounter with a pair of desperate beings.

Somehow, this story reminded me of all the silliness that is going on in this world. You know, the killings, robberies, kidnapping, raping, name it!

Check the internet, you will see a ton of articles, videos and news content that screams "MAN'S INHUMANITY TO MAN". Even if you don't go searching for these, you will still get wind of it from hearsay.

We can't help it. I mean, this stuff pops up on our screen. We can choose to close the tab immediately, but what about its fragments that are already stored in our brain?

I bet there is no way to wipe that clean.

In all these, it would be very easy to say that humanity is a lost cause.
Isn't it?

Well well well, anyone thinking towards this direction can easily be forgiven. I mean, the facts are there and crime rates are increasing daily.

But, let's not close our eyes to the fact that we've got a lot of good-doers on Earth.


I watched some YouTube videos this evening. It is a compilation of some good deeds done by human that were caught on record. It was amazing and refreshing to see the smile on those faces. In one of the clips, an Asian lady (probably Japanese) invited some beggers into her restaurant and fed them to their fill.

Somehow, conspiracy theories like myself could have easily written it off as a show for the Camera, but I chose to see it and take it from face value. And I felt excited to know that someone somewhere is ready to help another person.

My point is, bad things are happening. People are getting hurt. A lot of humans are becoming more inhumane by the day. But, there is still something good going on around us.

Hopefully, all those that derive joy in hurting others would get a taste of their own medicine.

Thanks, @wongi for that thoughtful post. It hitted the spot.

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The world is Changing and things are happening. You never know what happens next and as such we should all be very alert.

There are good people out there but that doesn't change the fact that the bad people are becoming more day by day.

Thanks, @wongi for that thoughtful post. It hitted the spot.

It's always my pleasure @kenechukwu97. I'm glad it hit a spot.


It's sad to say but even the good people we know of can suddenly turn bad. That's something to think about.

I can still recall when rape cases were making the waves. It is a big menace and threat to the society at large.

Sometimes, I find myself thinking of the best Punishment that can be served to these rapists. They deserve an ultimate punishment.


Yet some of them get away with it and the others who don't get away with it stay in prison for fear years and they come out to continue from where they stopped.


you know.. its our media

what brings in more eyes? the good news or the drama?
the healing? or the hurting.

they know that most people can't turn away from a train wreck and even find some excitement in the carnage.


I remember that there was a show (it didn't last long because as I said.. hahaha humans love the drama and the anger and the pain) BUT... for 2 seasons... there was a show called Three Wishes. and Amy Grant would come in and grant 3 wishes in a town. it was SO COOL. and so good! but... isn't it amazing that people just don't care long term about those things?

well - not enough to keep them going, I guess.

if you want to be able to do something like that - you have to be willing to put everything you are into it - regardless of outside support. i've been thinking a lot of about that lately hahahaa and i'm sure you know what i'm thinking about. lol

but it really does take a huge commitment... and sacrifice.. and a determination that goes beyond what the public will most likely have the interest and patience for

but if you can find a community where it matters? and God will bless it??? then that's all that matters! hehehehe

love you honey!


The media can do alot of things to sell what they have to their viewers. Somehow, they have come to realize that more clicks goes to those "breaking news". The type that shows all the tragedies in the world.

As for the good deeds, it gets sidelined and sent to the backpage. Lol. It's insane!
