Any day can be anything you want it to be

Back in the day, I attached different emotions to different days of the week.

Mondays came with a snap of the finger and I dreaded a lot of things about getting back to work and reliving the same 6-6 lifestyle.

The day itself is to be blamed.

Why would it end the fun and relaxation I was enjoying over the weekend? Dreading the day is an understatement.

I'm pretty sure that those around me didn't imagine that I felt this way about working days. I studied Banking and Finance so, I was considered lucky to be stepping into the corporate world as a banker. A career in a bank was is still considered a blessing by many. It is considered to be better than starting as a secretary in a law firm or in a place that is completely different from what one studied.

Little did they know that the job was trapping me in a world that is different from what I wanted. This continued until the third week of February 2021. That was when I completed my stay in the corporate world.

Ever since then, one of my life goals has been to do what needs to be done to wake up every morning (especially Monday morning) with a smiling face.


That has to be easier said than done. Eh?


It wasn't easy to stay off the corporate lane and pursue what I wanted for myself. On the good side of it, I no longer treat any day as a special day or as a working day per se.

Monday or Friday or Saturday can be anything I want it to be. I have never been in the habit of setting a wake-up alarm so, I wake up early enough to go through my morning routine.

The fact that I woke up today with a smiling face and an unquenchable appetite for work is something I want to feel every day of my life.

Firstly, it shows that I'm excited about my work. Secondly, it shows that I'm rapidly getting to my Eureka moment. Lastly, it serves as a reminder that I'm no longer who I used to be.

I'm still en route to my destination, but I'm seeing alot of positives so, I don't second guess myself whenever I need to dive deep into the journey ahead.

I shall remember this post as an appreciation of my progressive moment.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop Or Comma
Image Source 1


That has to be easier said than done. Eh?

I'm impressed... you used EH correctly. How Canuck of you :)

I find many of my days are more what Ms Hobo wants until she's fed LOL


Lol... I first heard the right usage in a TV show that was centered on the life of people in Birmingham. They had a very funny accent. Hehe. The accent was the best part of the whole show for me.

I also look it up on Google 4/5 months ago. I'm glad to see that I didn't mess it up. Now, my day is going to end on a very good note. Heheh

Thanks Alot.

PYPT loading... I've already adjusted my schedule to suit the new timezone. Heheh

Hugs to Hobo 😂
