I Love The Way The Colors Created a Blend

I've always loved the idea of being a minimalist and more. Cliche? Yes, but we all know by now that less is more. If I hate anything, then it is being too much and clutter.

I grew up having to share spaces with my siblings. I loved the drama and banter that it came with but I think I would have loved my own space better. Everyone just threw around what they wanted with my mum being the chief in organizing spaces.

So right from childhood, I started to nurture the idea of my own space. It was such a big fantasy then but I didn't give up. As an adult now, it is such a thrill that I get to choose what I put in my space, and how I like it. Well, not exactly because I have to go for decorations I can afford. Hehe!

As a matter of fact, I soon found out that affordability is a very huge factor when it comes to the choices we make regarding our homes.

When my husband and I moved places a couple of months ago. I was excited about starting over again. This meant choosing my furniture and decor. I had the perfect idea. I needed something that reflected my personality which is very calm and laidback. However, once again my choices became limited to only what I could afford.


So we decided to paint the walls off-white. This color isn't just the most preferred color as I've come to realize, it also gives off a classic minimalist appeal and I love that. The color of the couch, orange wasn't my first choice. However, my budget made it so and in the end, I love how beautifully the set sat in my space. The checkered throw pillows added an appeal that I've come to love. And oh, I'm soon replacing those blinds with cream-flowing curtains.

That little rug lying there in the middle is still a debate. I think if left alone, its beauty shines. My husband on the other hand thinks that a center table on it would be a fit. Well, so far, it looks like I'm winning.


I thought since I had embraced some color in my sitting space, why not play with a little more in my eating area. So we got those shell chairs in black, white, red, and blue. I thought I'd spike the area a little with a raffia vase and rattan mats on the wall. So far, I like how it turned out.


This is my entry to #KISS Blog Idea: W-75

All photos are mine.


I love your home decor. It's simple and cute. You have a nice taste for colors and I admire that.


Thank you so much. I'm delighted to read this.


Wow, your home is beautiful. You and your husband did great with it.


Thank you so much, dear. I appreciate you.
