📕Old but enriching books📕 [ESP-ING]

From generation to generation


📚 Los libros de familia suelen ser una herramienta 👨‍🔧 que se puede transmitir de generación 🧓en generación👧, dependiendo de lo bien que los cuidemos.

📚 Family books are usually a tool 👨‍🔧that can be passed down from generation 👵to generation👧, depending on how well we take care of them.

Supongo que todos los padres
Como yo, les emociona la idea de qué, los niños ya están comenzando a reconocer letras, palabras e incluso oraciones. El crecimiento y progreso de nuestros hijos está en nuestras manos, podemos motivarlos enseñándoles y presentándoles libros o revistas llenos de color.

I guess all parents
Like me, they are excited by the idea of ​​what, children are already beginning to recognize letters, words and even sentences. The growth and progress of our children is in our hands, we can motivate them by teaching and presenting books or magazines full of color.

Todos sabemos que la tecnología 👩‍💻avanza día a día, y a un niño se le puede enseñar a leer virtualmente, sin embargo no será la misma emoción🤩. La idea de qué método es mejor no se discute, sin embargo, podemos poner un poco de valor en los libros impresos📕.

We all know that technology 👩‍💻advances day by day, and a child can be taught to read virtually, however it will not be the same emotion🤩. The idea of ​​which method is better is not disputed, however we can put a little value on printed books📕.

Si usted es un nuevo padre conocedor de la tecnología👨‍🏫 y no tiene un solo libro 📕en casa🏠, no necesariamente tiene que correr🏃‍♂️ a una tienda para encontrar un libro específico, siempre existe ese miembro de la familia al que le encanta guardar cosas. y los libros son una de las cosas que más guarda la familia. Especialmente aquellas abuelas 🧓👵que no se llevan bien con el mundo de la tecnología👩‍💻.

If you're a tech-savvy👨‍🏫 new parent and don't have a single book 📕at home🏠, you don't necessarily have to run 🏃‍♂️to a store to find a specific book, there's always that family🙋‍♀️ member who loves ❤to put things away. and books are one of the things that the family keeps the most. Especially those grandmothers 🧓👵who don't get along with the world of technology👩‍💻.

Seamos conservadores de las tradiciones, toquemos puertas y pidamos apoyo con un libro para nuestros
👦 hijos.

Let's be conservative of traditions, knock on doors and ask for support with a book for our
👦 children

En particular, llamé a la puerta y realmente funcionó, así que una tía abuela 👵le dio este libro 📖 (MI JARDÍN🌾) a mi hija hace 2 años, y ha sido la reliquia familiar durante mucho tiempo. Lo he guardado y tratado con mucho mimo, porque espero seguir con la tradición, así como a Mi hija le ha ido muy bien con su lectura en compañía de este libro antiguo pero enriquecedor. Así que espero que sea para uno de mis sobrinos👶.

In particular, I knocked on the door and it really worked, so a great-aunt 👵 gave this book 📖 (MY GARDEN🌾) to my daughter 2 years ago, and it has been the family heirloom for a long time. I have kept it and treated it with great care, because I hope to continue with the tradition, just as My daughter has done very well with her reading in the company of this ancient but enriching book. So I hope it's for one of my nephews.


  • Sin dejar de lado la tecnología, podemos educar a los niños y enseñarles otro método de aprendizaje, para que podamos dedicarles tiempo y no dejar que sea solo el ordenador o los vídeos quienes tengan la responsabilidad total de enseñar a nuestros hijos el aprendizaje de la lectura.

Without leaving technology aside, we can educate children and teach them another method of learning, so we can dedicate time to them and not let it be only the computer or videos who have the total responsibility of teaching our children the learning of the reading



Oh wow! Family books that's amazing I don't have any books that have been handed down from generation to generation. This is fantastic and imagine reading the same book your ancestors once did. What a magnificent tradition to start.


HI @Melbournewest, It feels very good to do it, I remember that in my high school years my mother did not need to buy books, because at home we had what I needed and my grandmother also kept some in her library.

  • I know families that do not have the means to acquire technological equipment
    and they go to the option of printed books.
  • It is never too much to read an old book or magazine.

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