Path of Exile ~ Playing a Scion for the first time



Every time I scroll through the Hive Gaming community, there are a couple of people who are posting about their experience in the Path of Exile Scourge League and I get the urge to give it a go myself.

I actually started a week or so ago! I made a Scion, got her to Lioneye's Watch... then closed the game. It wasn't quite what I was wanting to play. A week ago. 😅 Now I've opened it again and am a lot more into it this time. This week. 😆


I'm playing a Scion for the first time. And I'm not quite sure if they changed the leveling trees this League or the last one, but I'm really liking what they've done with it. When you fill up some clusters you can activate another perk, and some of them look really helpful.


At the moment I'm dual wielding swords and am doing some sort of icy melee build. Well, I wouldn't really call it a "build," not yet anyway, but I'm getting there. Going to change to 2h sword when I can, hopefully a six-socket one.

This is my first time in Path of Exile playing melee as well! 😱

My idea at the moment is:

  • Cyclone
  • Cast on Crit
  • Cold Snap
  • Added Cold Damage
  • Elemental Proliferation
  • Ice Bite

And then have another piece of gear with:

  • Herald of Ice
  • Curse on Hit
  • Frostbite Curse
  • ...*

*Was just informed I can transform the Curse into an Aura itself, so might go with that instead!

I still need to go through everything completely and find other abilities and Unique gears and whatnot.

At the moment I just have Frost Blades, Herald of Ice, Cold Snap, Cyclone, Frostbite, and the icy cold Dash ability. So I'm getting there! They're just thrown all over the place and I need more sockets.

I saw my partner doing some sort of cyclone thing the last time we were playing and now I want to one-up him with my own version of it. 😅 Trying to prove that every time we play this game, we DON'T need to stare at other people's builds. It is possible to do it yourself and is half the fun trying to work it all out!! And it might even be better...


We're entering the Scourge League which seems to have a very basic mechanic.

Kill a bunch of things until a bar turns red, press button, kill things in another realm until the red bar drains. Killing the things in the other realm grants you Corruption in order to corrupt a specific gear piece you've thrown into your new Blood Crucible.


I find myself doing the Scourge event constantly. Even though most of the time the resulting gear sucks, the act itself is fun.

I'm hoping as I level up the Blood Crucible, I might actually get some decent stuff out of this event. But I'm probably better off doing other things to get what I want. Like Delves and Heists and Maps. And at least those things won't be corrupted and thus un-changeable with crafting.


Last night I did the Labyrinth and ascended into an Ascendant! And levelled up to 42 before bedtime.

With my lady so far, I'm finding that my AoE is fantastic but when it comes to single-target and bosses I'm so very, very slow. I haven't found a good single-target ability that I like... I tried the Ice Spear and I thought it was meh.

Any ideas? 😅


On today's agenda is just a bunch of levelling, levelling, levelling!

I'll do up another post once I get past all of this repetitive levelling and get into the meat of the game. 🙂


Until next time! 😊



All screenshots in this post are courtesy of me, @kaelci and are from the game: Path of Exile.


keep playing my friend I recommend the game, I reached advanced levels and I do not regret the time I could enjoy it, at the moment I am in another game but for sure one of the best has been Path.


Cheers! 🙂 I've been playing on and off for a few years now, just whenever there's a new League. Going good so far! 😁


yeah that 'can't be affected by corrupted blood' and 'don't take damage from bleed while moving' nodes. I was like 'wow this is amazing'.

'but when it comes to single-target and bosses I'm so very, very slow.' ...I felt that.

hahaha this is great.


😂 Bleed is my bane in this game! Sooo looking forward to grabbing those nodes and evil-cackling my way through the maps. xD
