Try to my best a new day new pencil art : this character name is gojo satoru

C/Holozing Community
Happy new day to all, this post will feature an anime character, Gojo Satoru. I have tried to draw the Janine character very beautifully, I don't know how beautiful it is, but I have tried to present it to you in a beautiful way. I hope you will like it and you will be very beautiful. You can enjoy this art of mine, so let's see how I drew this beautiful character. Let us present it to you step by step.
Now is step no. 1 materials .
To draw pictures, you need paper, pen, colored pencils, paint brushes and a healthy brain

Step no 2: Sorting Paper Suddenly picking up paper and colors to arrange them to prepare for drawing and start presenting to the healthy brain to draw beautiful pictures.

Step no 3.

Step no 4.
One of my favorite characters and I always love to watch anime movies. Every animation movie of this character fascinates me and I hope some of you can give me some fill of it by drawing this picture. Thank you. Impressed everyone. This was my first post about anime characters. Thanks for everyone @zingtoken
