They can no longer hide the increasing number of vaccine injuries!



People all over the world have now fought for more than two years to bring some proportionality into the whole Corona and vaccination issue and to finally stop making the whole thing a pure question of faith. It was also fought for that criticism on this topic is finally allowed, which should actually be a matter of course in democratic societies!

As is well known, these basic rights have been denied to people even in Western pseudo-democracies since the beginning of the (staged) "Corona crisis", which is why critics were labeled as anything by the state-imposed narrative in order to silence them, ranging from right-wing radicals to paranoid conspiracy theorists. To this day, no one can explain to me how all of this fit together with this particular topic, because there is simply no connection and, unfortunately, it was always just a matter of defaming critical free spirits.

State-organized and media-organized agitation against dissenters aimed at not allowing any dissenting opinion and, above all, any other experience in public discourse, which could be proven and clearly contradicted the widespread state propaganda, the victims of which were more than clearly marked in the public space with the now probably universally known materials.


As we all notice, the truth comes against all resistances even in the mainstream so slowly to the daylight, which can be delayed, but no longer permanently stopped! As always, this is about the biggest taboo topic of the last two years (keyword: vaccination damage), so not only a taboo topic of society, but also in politics, science and thus, of course, especially in the state media.

At the beginning it was denied there were any complications and problems at all in this context, then it was gradually admitted that from time to time this and that happened and of course very rarely, whereupon this "very rarely" happened more and more often and resulted in more complications, which with time simply could no longer be covered up and therefore had to be increasingly admitted.

In the meantime, there are so many people affected that the mainstream media no longer dare to deny what has already become clear to a growing number of citizens and which is therefore being reported on more and more frequently. The victims of vaccination damage and side effects, whose sufferings are becoming increasingly known, are the biggest motor when it comes to bringing all the things that have been ignored by the media for a long time out of the darkness of concealment into the light of day, where the truth also belongs!


One of the steps necessary to go down this path is that this whole issue is not only finally accepted by the general public and society, but also that the general public accepts and understands that there is this increasing number of people whose lives have been permanently damaged and in some cases even ended by vaccines with a simple emergency approval.

Now that these facts can no longer be withheld from the public, the next step is that we must not allow the major media houses to admit only parts of the truth out of necessity. Anyone who simply Googles this will quickly find that there are more and more articles that go exactly in this direction and that more and more journalists simply can no longer withhold this truth.

Even on YouTube or CensorshipTube you can see more contributions and reports from the state media that are represented there, in which the victims of these vaccines with emergency approval, which have been advertised for a long time, are brought into the light and also the big issue of how these people have been dealt with or are still often dealt with, because their suffering reveals an uncomfortable truth, which state institutions would have preferred to continue to keep under wraps, but ultimately had to admit.


The fact people who have been harmed by inadequately tested vaccines have been fought, sometimes laughed at and even ridiculed by members of some institutions that were originally designed to help people, in order to perpetuate the narrative of the vaccine saving people, that is a huge scandal and there should be education on a scale that does not let people forget these events and that makes a relapse into these dark times impossible.

As for the motives, why just private media houses suddenly increasingly report on these truths, which were previously condemned as ridiculous conspiracy theories of paranoid nutcases, so one can certainly argue about whether they are really about the truth, or whether they want to report now, where the truth can no longer be concealed anyway still quickly about it, so that no one can say later, they had been silent on the subject, even if they have done exactly that for the last two years!

I personally tend rather to the latter motive and see this behavior regardless of the selfish motive behind it as something positive, since it causes the uncovered truth arrive still faster and increased with the broad mass, which is of enormous importance! I also find that in such phases of the history it shows very beautifully people can always disguise the truth only for a limited time before happens what the friends of lie (Media, Big Pharma & Co) have always feared.


I assume at the latest in the fall, should these criminals try to go on like this again, many more people will become alert and consider whether it could be possible people who criticized this and who said we should discuss this topic controversially are not such nutcases in the end, as established politics & media always wanted to portray it, but quite normal people who simply do not let themselves be fooled.
