The saving vaccination, a deceptive promise of salvation in a world gone mad.



In a society obsessively preoccupied with its own security and finiteness, every new product that could reduce or even eliminate the uncertainties, risks and lack of availability of life seems like a promise of salvation. It is not for nothing that all the goods and services offered by the pharmaceutical industry are praised to us by the corporate media in very overly clear imagery almost as the Holy Grail. Their developers are interpreted as savior figures and their consumption as the entrance to paradise.

A particularly disturbing rhetoric of politicians, who early on spoke of vaccination as the only salvation and final solution, points to the cultic nature of the new pharmaceutical and medical products for the optimization of the human body and life. It seems that the new methods, the instruments and techniques in the field of natural science, more precisely biology , biochemistry and medicine lead to a kind of modern indulgence trade of the 21st century, from which no human being may escape with impunity, since such a refusal could seriously damage the "business" of "Big Pharma". In their delusions of grandeur, people from elitist circles have the hubris to want to empower themselves with these products without sense or reason, so that humanity is now facing a reversal of dominance, if we haven't already, after many citizens have long since surrendered their freedom of choice and the right to dispose only of their own bodies.


What does all this mean now exactly? The biotechnologies that we wanted to use to give us a longer and better life now determine, by the sheer power of the factual laws they entail, that they will be used, how they will be used, and on which humans or human test animals often not fully tested products with an emergency approval will be tested.

This state disposal of the bodies of formerly free people with personal rights often happens against the will of the citizens, who are blackmailed with the possible loss of their jobs and are forced to make themselves available as test subjects by the prospect of not being able to provide for their families in formerly free societies. In addition, there is an enormous pressure to which they are subjected by naive test animals and their social ostracism, pseudo-moral arguments, reproaches, etc., because the latter have not yet understood what is happening here worldwide.


In this way, the mere presence of biotechnology determines the goals and values that a society sets for itself and thus also the decisions of politics. Since biotechnologies and, of course, surveillance and control techniques are also involved, the goals and values are no longer the freedom of the individual, but rather public health, the stability of the health care system, perceived security and, overall, the smooth functioning of social processes and institutions. On the whole, it is a matter of maintaining the system that uses these instruments and techniques.

What is currently enjoying particular popularity is vaccination as a biotechnology, since officially only it seems to offer a way out of the hygiene misery of the hypermobile global mass society. If we don't want to restrict and control travel, trade flows and freedom of assembly forever, then we need the one big thing that will get us all out of the mess and into the new normality. It is therefore not surprising that vaccination, even if it no longer deserves the name, is praised like "The Holy Grail" and that modern medicine or parts of it, natural science and pharmaceutical companies virtually appear as the "Grail Society".

If we take a closer look at this tradition, the Holy Grail is described there as a magical vessel, a bowl, a chalice or even a stone, a vessel that is guarded in an inaccessible castle by Grail knights and promises bliss, vitality, eternal youth and prosperity. Surrounding the Holy Grail is a community that suffers from a lack, which is expressed in various images, for example, the king is sick, the kingdom is barren, the Grail community is sterile, and so on. For said reasons, the Grail community is waiting for a hero who will redeem the Grail King and thus bring salvation to the entire community. The problem is that in the history of mankind, which is a single repetition with all its mechanisms and people not learning from it, not infrequently such "heroes" turned out to be the opposite of what they pretended to be in the beginning.


Grail community and biotechnology, the promise seems comparable, the turmoil of time dissolves, the burdens and worries fall away from people, they grow old more easily, happy and healthy, but if not healthy, then at least not sick and if sick, then at least not sick at the time when an ailing health system could be burdened or even overburdened.

But if the people of this modern Grail society do get sick, and at the worst possible time, then they should at least be able to show a negative PCR test, in order not to endanger the good reputation of the "effective vaccinations" (?) in this media-praised, great and modern Grail society, which has heroes like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci to offer, whom so many people trust blindly and follow them loyally everywhere, no matter where the journey goes...
