Are You Living Consciously? What Does Living Consciously Mean To You? (Abundance.Tribe's BiWeekly Question)


Placing Meaning To Consciousness

The greatest gift to mankind is his consciousness because through this mean intractability with his environment, fellow humans, his creator, and himself is made possible. Throughout the period through which a person is born, his consciousness is what ensures his attitude, Personality and lifestyle as all these are influenced with how he communicates and the feedback he gets.

Consciousness, then, is the state of being aware, the state of placing meaning of what the universe, the earth and the environment should mean. It is through one's consciousness that they tend to place meaning and assertions to what should generally mean. People form religious, friendship, political beliefs, ideologies about life and so many other phenomena about life.

In fact, it is how consciousness we are that we are totally cognizant. It deals with how our mind tend to place meaning to our existence and the existence of others, we tend to turn out rather differently as a result of the degree of how conscious we definitely become. No one is born conscious, we all develop consciousness, it's why the environment conditioning to each and every person matters a lot more to how they form their consciousness.

This means that people can be differently aware based on their exposure, this exposure is what creates a certain disposition, which in turn influences their attitudinal tendencies which is reflectant on how they tend to give their various feedback especially when it comes to intrapersonal relationship. Being conscious helps creates an identity and this is determinant on what we believe we are.

What Does Living Consciously Mean To Me?

This means paying more attention to our environment, the diverse events and happening, cultivating different positive values which we can of course used to relate to our fellow humans. When a person decides to live consciously, they're choosing to see the world from a magnanimous point of view, they're choosing to obtain clarify, precision and accuracy as well as get the right answers to some of the unanswered questions that plagues them.

For example, making the decision to acknowledge the existence of God is an example of living consciously. This is because we have chosen to extend our mind to come to terms with something different. When we begin to show a different kind of attitudinal change towards the environment we live, coming to terms with how pollution is ruining the human ecosystem is living consciously and this is because we have chosen to be aware, which is now making us react rather differently.


Are You Living Consciously?

This might be a question that can even make people realize that they're not living Consciously enough. Everyone lives consciously but then, it depends on the degree. The growth and the developments that we can boast of is made possible through our consciousness, the individual achievements and accomplishments in life is made possible by how conscious we are. Noticing the challenging situation of some person or persons and impacting them through a change is living consciously.

This means that sometimes we are inadvertently moved by a situation and deep down we feel the need to react. That sudden urge to react is the activation of our consciousness. Sometimes we often ignore it, sometimes we give in to it. Giving in to it, is choosing to live consciously. As for me, I try to understand how to activate my consciousness beyond normalcy, and this of course has developed me as a human.

On A Final Note....

We however cannot underestimate the essence of living consciously because it is the change we should experience at the various stages of our lives. We need to always connect with our "inner us", by listening to that little voice that keeps reminding us to live differently, by paying attention to the well-being of others and taking time to understand ourselves on a deeper plane.

Sometimes people find it difficult to place meaning to their lives, they don't see what works for them, this is because they have failed to listen within. How we tend to find answers or interpret situations and give answers depends on how conscious we are. Living consciously is unraveling mysteries and getting to realize "truth" beyond our reckoning. It should span from the trivial to the mundane things in our lives.

Images Owned by me

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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian entrepreneur who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet, Sports Writer/Analyst & Personal Finance Coach. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

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I love the art in the second picture...Is that you?


Yes, it's a picture of me I manipulated using other of my owned images as well.


Nice, that's art right there...I do graphic design...mostly vectors these days...

I love the post by the way!!


Thank you, I did a lot of experimentation with the image, although I knew what I wanted to achieve. Thanks, I appreciate


You are welcome...You can hit me if you ever need a graphic design done...I could make that Snapchat emoji on your dp look more like you for example...I'm the one who did @belemo's dp


Oh, that's my amazing, I'll keep this in mind, thanks, you might just come in handy for me, pretty soon.


Nicely said...

Sometimes we can't really think of the words we hear from within, that's because we have suffered enough to believe just words instead we want action, we want it to be done not hoping for it to be done..

How we tend to find answers or interpret situations and give answers depends on how conscious we are

Have you met someone who is broken, who has given up on everything?

If yes, you should know sometimes SOLITUDE is the key...

Posted via


When I say @josediccus makes a lot of sense I no dey mince my word.

You have made so much sense.

This is what I was telling a friend that it takes a lot to live consciously.

When I started working, I discovered I was unconsciously not working for myself but the government.

Immediately, I discovered that, I changed and decided to be proactive about making sure that I do my best to always work for myself.

Thank you for sharing


This is what I was telling a friend that it takes a lot to live consciously.

Yeahe, you're right. The concentration as well as the, awareness and even Making the decision, paying more attention to what you'll ordinary ignore, taking the time to activate positive values and understanding decisions making and other things as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read and reflect on this one.


A+ on your creativity bro. I like that pic of you on thumbnail. Lets be concious and live in this crazy reality, live in the moment. Thanks for your upvote on my post too man.


Consciousness is a very intricate topic and is discussed wider by different scholars. Your idea of conscious loving resonates with me and it kind of aligns with my definition--which is to be present. Being present makes one cognizance of his or her environment and through this immersive towards life, one gains meaning and to a certain degree, wholesomeness.


Yeah, you're correct, being present to me is the most important aspect of being conscious if you ask me. This revolves around us and our ability to be aware at the highest level.
But like you said, it could have other connotative aspect that other scholars would define as.
I value the act of being conscious a whole lot.
