Leofinance is about to experience Web3 revolution:Have you checked the new UI wallet interface on Alpha leo


Have you caught wind of the new UI being tested on Alpha Leo? If not, let me tell you, it's pretty sweet. Alpha Leo is like a playground for new features and improvements that'll eventually make their way to Leofinance.io

Go ahead and take a peek at https://alpha.leofinance.io/ – you won't be disappointed.

Now, let me tell you why I'm head over heels for the wallet interface of the new UI on Alpha Leo. In case you didn't know, LeoFinance is a crypto and finance community running on the Hive blockchain, and LEO tokens are its native currency.

These tokens come with a bunch of perks like reduced fees on some crypto exchanges, increased rewards on LeoFinance.io, and a say in the community's governance and decision-making1.

The wallet interface in Alpha Leo's new UI is sleek, simple, and super user-friendly. It presents all the info you need in a clean and easy-to-understand way. Here's what I dig about it:

Total LEO balance at a glance: See your liquid LEO, staked LEO (locked for 28 days), and pending LEO (waiting to be claimed) all in one place.

LEO power on display: The more LEO power you have, the more rewards you can earn and distribute by creating and curating content.

LEO earnings breakdown: Get daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly earning snapshots in LEO tokens.
LEO transactions log: Easily view the date, time, amount, sender, receiver, and memo of each LEO transaction.

LEO delegations overview: Check out the LEO power you've delegated to or received from other users, and show some support by sharing rewards.

LEO proposals tracker: Keep an eye on initiatives and projects you've voted on or funded with your LEO power, helping the community grow and improve.

And guess what? The wallet interface is interactive too! You can power up/down, transfer/receive, delegate/undelegate LEO tokens, and vote/fund proposals – all in one place.
So, that's why I'm absolutely smitten with the wallet interface of the new UI on Alpha Leo. It's an amazing tool for managing LEO tokens and participating in the LeoFinance community. If you haven't tried it yet, give it a whirl – I bet you'll find it super easy and fun.
Did you enjoy this blog post? If so, drop a comment below and let me know what you think of the wallet interface of the new UI on Alpha Leo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
