The volcano of the Sharks


The volcano of the Sharks


There are many surprises that the exploration of the ocean floor has given us lately, in 2015 researchers discovered that the submarine volcano Karachi located in the Solomon Islands, despite having a high acidity of the water, seemed to be a true paradise for sharks.


So much so, that they began to know it as sharkano or volcano of the sharks, but it turns out that it is also one of the most active submarine volcanoes in the Pacific.


The volcano erupts almost continuously and residents of nearby islands often report steam and ash appearing above the water, to date two major eruptions have been detected that stand out from the rest in 2007 and 2014 the The last time it erupted was in October 2021.

In addition, ephemeral islands are periodically formed, the largest of which was one kilometer long, some islands that end up being destroyed by wave erosion.


Now this volcano is in the news because, according to NASA, the images taken by satellite in April and May show the discolored water around the crater, which indicates a new eruptive activity in this volcano of the sharks.

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