Tacenda Livestream Replay: 70 Minutes of Pure Chill, Mixed Live Before Your Eyes (Hive Exclusive)


Until I get some technical hardware and software-type things more in order, I'm still stuck with IG as the primary platform where I'm going live...my plans are to move to Vimm or to Threespeak in the upcoming months, but for now, this is what I'm working with--I do hope you all will be graceful and patient with me as I'm trying to streamline my workflow and my performances.

This creative process is just that: a process. I'm so happy and blessed to be able to share this process with you here on Hive, and I am so thankful to you all for the wonderful support I receive from this community.

This music is great for chillin out--so kick back and enjoy the jams. Share it with a friend and let me know what you think in the comments.

...and as always, this replay through YouTube is brought to Hive through an Unlisted link that's only accessible through this platform. :)

Thank you for always being so awesome. I greatly appreciate your suggestions, upvotes, reblogs, follows, and comments. The genuine spirit of creation, sharing, and constructive transparency in this community are what make it so special.

Thx for listening to my music .png
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Follow me @jessamynorchard for more assorted randomness!

Do you like short fiction? Check out my latest story here.

ALL proceeds from my Hive account go toward furthering my career as a real-life, full-time artist and creator. It's a dream that you help make possible. This includes needed equipment, recording costs, gas to and from out of state gigs, and things like food when I'm on the road. To be a full-time creator has been my goal for as long as I can remember, and your upvotes absolutely help me to sustain that. All of my love and total gratitude is due to you. Thank you.💚

All photos, unless otherwise credited, are taken or chopped/screwed/edited/altered by me and are hosted either here or at Imgur. Stock photos are used with permission from Pexels, and banners are made using Canva for iOS.
