The Question Book Note-Taking approach - My 5 minutes a day #75

A Different Way to Take Notes

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Shoutout Firmbee to and

Happy Sunday to Everyone. Today I Want to talk about another great strategy that I'd found in Scott Young's Ultralearning.

You see when I was starting at University, I'd find lots of difficulties, and along those was the fact that up to this point, I wasn't properly studying as I should have.

Trying to memorize paragraphs word by word and then trying to recall them during tests was my default strategy, a thing that not only was inefficient but also made the little knowledge I had absorbed fade away in days.

However, a week ago I began reading this great book called Ultra Learning which is teaching me many studying approaches that best self-taught performers apply to learn new concepts. Between these was one that caught my attention: The Question Book approach.

The question book approach works in the following way:
When you're reading something you have to learn, instead of taking notes in an old-fashioned way, make these notes in the form of questions and leave a cue of where to find this information.

Then, once you finish reading, try to answer the question you wrote to the best of your ability. Do this without checking the book, just use what you understood and memorized.

The way this helps you is that by elevating the degree of difficulty you have to go through to remember the information, you deem that as more valuable and in this way, you pay more attention to It.

Not only that, but It also leaves more room for interpretation and the force of your imagination to figure out certain details through Retrieval. In this way, you create a pathway for the solution that can last for days and even weeks, a period much larger than through the conventional note-taking methods.

I hope this article could have been of use to you, showing you why alternative studying approaches can be as much, or even better than the conventional ones.

Thank you for your support and good luck!
