Motivation follows Action, not the other way around - My 5 minutes a day #61

Passion is created, not found


Shoutout to tookapic and

In the 21st century, one of the worst beliefs we can have that everyone is born with a passion, our purpose is to find it and work on it.

This causes false expectations in people that if they don't have any goal or skill they prefer, they have yet to discover it.
Not only this, but it makes people think that the world owes them something, that they must be super talented at.

While it may be true that some people perform better in a particular area, this does not mean that you will immediately receive a job position in that area.

In the same way, motivation follows the same pattern, where we think that we have to have motivation before acting if we want to do it well, while it is the opposite:

Motivation is a product of action, not a cause.

This is because when we take action, we expand our skills and knowledge while touching that part of our brain that derives satisfaction from offering something to the world.

This is intensified if the person encounters a positive feedback loop, which will be a positive response from their environment:

  • Exit.
  • A person who found value in your product/service/content.
  • External forms of approval (Money, likes, etc...)

All of this creates a loop that turns on our motivation switch and pushes us to be more ambitious, now viewing the activity that caused this as a hobby.

That said, remember that a passion is not found, it is created. In fact, you can make a passion out of anything as long as you see a positive result, no matter how small, so go ahead and find those opportunities for growth!

Thanks for your support and good luck!
