Making an Electrical Plan - My 5 minutes a day #69

On the finish line

Shoutout to Pexels and

Good news guys, this is my last week on the Electrical Installments Course, and with this, comes a heavy burden to deliver on Friday.

You see, the finishing projects for our class involve creating an electrical plan for our own houses. Things that even If It might seem not too complex, It can get messy when It comes to someone new to residential electricity.

Don't get me wrong, I love this challenge and I'll do everything that's in my possibility to deliver the best work possible. However, as of now, I'm a little clueless.

To solve this, I will talk with my professors tomorrow to clarify some details. However, I still have to get the most out of the course and create something that reflects how much I've learned.

Creating an electrical plan doesn't seem like a complicated task, as It revisits concepts that I have studied in the past such as the power consumed by our devices and what to do about them.

That being said, I won't give up. I will create a great project and I will show you guys how It went.

Until then,

Thank you for your support and good luck!
