Comunity Contest #122 Ladies Of Hive "La belleza segun la sociedad" Y Mi peor trabajo / Comunity Contest #122 Ladies Of Hive "Beauty according to society" and My Worst Job


🖤Hola de nuevo hermosa comunidad 🏵️

¿Por qué crees que la sociedad da tanto valor a la belleza
Cuando no tiene ningún propósito funcional?

Why do you think society places so much value on beauty when it has no functional purpose?
when it has no functional purpose?

Vivimos en una sociedad donde están marcados muy bien los estándares de belleza, donde el ser alguien bello es sinónimo de adoración y el ser una persona como muchos dicen, "poco agraciada no es nadie".

We live in a society where the standards of beauty are very well marked, where being someone beautiful is synonymous of adoration and being a person as many say, "not very graceful is nobody ".

A este punto hemos llegado como sociedad, a dividir a las personas por etiquetas y no valorar lo que realmente importa, nuestra voz y lo que podemos aportar al mundo.

This is the point we have reached as a society, to divide people by labels and not value what really matters, our voice and what we can contribute to the world.

Mi opinión personal se basa en el mundo, vayamos a Corea del sur, en Corea los estándares de belleza son muy estrictos, tanto para actores o Ídolos, también podemos observar como muchos adolescentes siguen modas de sus artistas preferidos. Hemos observados como muchos Ídolos se desgastan físicamente y mentalmente, poniendo su salud en peligro y como sus empresas son sus propios verdugos.

My personal opinion is based on the world, let's go to South Korea, in Korea the beauty standards are very strict, both for actors or Idols, we can also observe how many teenagers follow fashions of their favorite artists.
We have observed how many Idols wear themselves out physically and mentally, putting their health in danger and how their companies are their own executioners.


Realmente puedes tener el talento más grande del mundo, puedes cantar, bailar, ser pintor o hasta ingeniero pero si no tienes una belleza que resalte entre los demás, no eres una persona a la cual se deba seguir, a menos que todo se arregle con cirugía plástica, cosa que muchos buscan hacer para poder ser parte de ese gremio.

You can really have the greatest talent in the world, you can sing, dance, be a painter or even an engineer but if you don't have a beauty that stands out from the rest, you are not a person to be followed, unless everything is fixed with plastic surgery, which many seek to do in order to be part of that guild.

Todo tiene un trasfondo monetario, buscar la perfección de un ser humano y no fomentarlo al crecimiento personal, más importan las cualidades físicas que las mentales.


Everything has a monetary background, seeking the perfection of a human being and not encouraging personal growth, physical qualities are more important than mental ones.

Yo atravesé una parte de mi vida dolorosa, no me sentía a gusto con mi cuerpo, sentía que estaba obesa, que no le gustaría a nadie, dejaba de comer alimentos importantes pensando que me estaba haciendo un bien, ¿me sentía más débil? SI y eso no ayudaba, y todo empezó por ver modas de internet, cuerpos perfectos y sentí la necesidad de buscar la "Perfeccion" y no buscar sentirme saludable conmigo misma, con mis conocimientos y con lo que puedo aportar a la sociedad, lo cual es lo más importante.

I went through a painful part of my life, I did not feel comfortable with my body, I felt that I was obese, that no one would like me, I stopped eating important foods thinking that I was doing myself good, did I feel weaker? YES and that did not help, and it all started by seeing internet fashions, perfect bodies and I felt the need to look for "perfection " and not looking to feel healthy with myself, with my knowledge and with what I can contribute to society, which is the most important thing.


Las etiquetas no son necesarias, la belleza existe de muchas formas, en el arte, en la naturaleza ¿pero realmente tenemos que llegar al punto del malograrnos? De seguir modas peligrosas para aparentar? Si la belleza no tiene ningún propósito funcional en el ser humano.

Labels are not necessary, beauty exists in many forms, in art, in nature but do we really have to get to the point of spoiling ourselves? To follow dangerous fashions in order to look good? If beauty has no functional purpose in the human being?

No, no es necesario, todos tenemos las cualidades suficientes para avanzar, para empoderarnos y exigir un cambio y no fomentar el crecimiento de una sociedad que aparenta estar bien y en realidad es todo lo contrario.

No, it is not necessary, we all have enough qualities to move forward, to empower ourselves and demand change and not encourage the growth of a society that appears to be fine and in reality is quite the opposite.

¿En qué trabajo serías absolutamente terrible?

What job would you be absolutely terrible at?

Realmente he tenido la oportunidad de trabajar en muchos lugares y me ha ido muy bien, me gusta aprender de todo un poco, pero un trabajo en el que sería muy mala es siendo Chef, amo cocinar y de hecho la comida me queda muy rica, pero no puedo cocinar teniendo mucha presión encima, siento que explotaría y me desmayaría, lo cual es irónico porque mi novio es chef jaja.

I really have had the opportunity to work in many places and I have done very well, I like to learn a little bit of everything, but one job I would be very bad at is being a Chef, I love cooking and in fact the food is very tasty, but I can't cook with a lot of pressure on me, I feel I would explode and faint, which is ironic because my boyfriend is a chef haha.

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>I would like to invite to participate.


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It saddens me, what you describe of people striving to be that 'perfectly beautiful idol' and doing themselves harm in the long run. We are all beautiful and need to remember that society most often is looking to sell something so that we can gain that supposed beauty. It increases their pocketbooks, depletes ours, and makes us always feel inadequate.

I say, let your boyfriend cook! You sit back and enjoy!

Thanks for sharing and have a lovely day! !LADY


Yes, it is very sad when we see people strive for perfection and end up hurting themselves. I really hope from the bottom of my heart that we all feel confident in ourselves.

Yeah, he better cook haha

Thank you very much beautiful woman


You are sweet and beautiful! Take care and have a lovely day!🤗💜


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Hello @jennivic. Your observations in your country are worldwide. It's a sad situation to put labels on people for others to hold up to a standard of beauty. Shameful. What you say below is currently being dealt with worldwide:

"You can really have the greatest talent in the world, you can sing, dance, be a painter or even an engineer but if you don't have a beauty that stands out from the rest, you are not a person to be followed,

It's a sad state of affairs. Thanks so much for your thoughts.

Take care.


You can really have the greatest talent in the world, you can sing, dance, be a painter or even an engineer but if you don't have a beauty that stands out from the rest, you are not a person to be followed, unless everything is fixed with plastic surgery, which many seek to do in order to be part of that guild.

That is totally wrong, but it looks like people are happy with what they are forced to do. Otherwise no one would care and people would live their lives by their own standards.


These beauty pageants I find them good and not very good. Beauty is appreciated which is a good thing but at the same time it also sends out messages that you need to be beautiful to be successful. The contestants have a lot of pressure meeting the standards and that's what I find crazy.
