
What is a disease?

A disease is anything that changes the normal state of a human being is it physical, social or even spiritual.

Most diseases are quite deceptive in that they may have become really bad to treat before they show up in the hospital for treatment and that results in so much toil for something that can't be cured. Some people need to understand that some diseases need to be managed and not cured especially degenerative diseases which come with old age. Can a cure come for these yes but from our understanding, it will have to reverse age and the effect of environmental stress. However, in this post, I'll share one disease I'll love to find a cure for if I'm opportune and also be sharing why this particular one.

Cancer is a disease that has killed a lot of people in the past 20 years it is the world's most dreaded disease.

In 2021 about 10 million people died of cancer and that's about 1 in every 6 deaths in a year according to web md
It doesn't only affect one particular part of the body but is general and widespread and is going to affect the brain and the skin wherever they are cells including the heart and the blood.

I have seen the excruciating pain that many people have suffered only after a few years of dealing with this disease and many sadly never survived.

They are currently management therapies that have been made available for some of the categories of cancer and good enough these modalities have their dangerous side effects which may also be treated however many still do not make it.

For years now the world has been in search of one cure for all cancers and not the various cytotoxic medications that are used for different forms.

If I must have the opportunity to solve one of the world's biggest problems I would choose to cure all the world's cancers. But what we have to know is that "prevention is always better than cure" and of this fact, it will be best that we also learn to prevent cancers as well.

Preventive tips.

  1. Avoid smoking, this prevents lung cancer, and cervical cancer as well.

  2. Reduce or stop alcohol intake, this will help you avoid liver cancer and breast cancer.

  3. Eat fresh foods, instead of food products that have been stored with preservative chemicals which can predispose to cancer.

  4. Avoid self-medication as a lot of drugs have been implicated to result in complications that when not properly managed, result in malignancy.

  5. Drink water: drinking sufficient water has been known to help the body dilute excessive chemicals and also save the kidney from damage.

  6. Maintain physical activity and exercise, this will go a long way to help adjust your lifestyle to fit a healthy daily routine of physical activities and exercise and prevent your body from releasing dangerous and toxic substances.

  7. Avoid radiation exposure. Being exposed for a long time to toxic radiation such as x-rays and ultraviolet radiation from the sun could predispose to carcinoma, bone cancer, skin cancer and even cancers of the blood.

  8. Getting some vaccines can also help prevent certain carcinomas from happening an example is the HPV vaccine (Cerverix) which prevents you from developing cervical cancer which is expected to be gotten by every female, other vaccinations have been made available to prevent different cases of cancers, especially the hepatitis vaccines.

  9. Risky behaviours, about 10% of deaths in the whole world have been associated with the risky behaviours which result in, avoiding risky behaviours can go a long way to also prevent cancers as most cancers are due to poor health seeking and wrong advice. Sick right medical advice from your doctor and not from Google.

  10. Lastly, a regular medical check-up to help you understand your Bissell States is also recognised to identify whatsoever disease which may be hidden in your body.

Most diseases can be cured when they are detected early, so early presentation is very pivotal in curing every disease including cancer.
Having said all these, I wish there was one sure prevention for all, but the best we can do is live and let live. Prevention is always better than curr

Thanks to the Hive learners team for this insightful topic and I hope that you all enjoy the read. you can check out the high-in #med-hive community for more health-related reads.

Have fun.

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I doubt if cancer has a cause because I have read a lot about the disease due to its negative impact on the world at large.

It is not a lost battle for the human race against cancer, I believe that the cure will be discovered one day and people won't have to exhaust everything they have on treating cancer before dying at the end of everything.


Your doubt is probably well founded but I have no claims to that.
Every disease has some explanations.. some leave space for more research, some things are left for God's glory..


Cancer here,cancer there,this diseases has took a lot of people love ones😩. I pray we found the cure one day.
