RE: Playing Rising Star for the first time!


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Hi @thehive :) .
You said : " If your total fans rises above the level of skill you have. Your ego starts working against you and your rewards for missions reduces. Once you are gaining ego" .
I don't fully agree with that and I'm actually experimenting with it right now on my game. My ego oscillates between 17% and 22% at the end of the day after having done my missions and I notice that my range of gains increases between 17 and 20% of ego, then decreases beyond 20% of ego.

As I said yesterday on another post: "what would a Rising Star be without ego?".

I think it is about a very fine management of his fans in order to maintain his ego in the range previously mentioned.

This would also be a subject (among many others) to address in your proposal for the development of a RisingStar Wiki ( -page ) .

Many players keep statistics on their game and it would indeed be very interesting to cross-reference all this data.

PS : thank a lot for your delegation ;) .



Okay, How many total fans you have give you ego. If you have less fans you get less ego.

The reward you get also depends on ego. The more fans you have the more ego you gain.

So the fans you have that are giving ego to you earn you no starbits but cost you more Skill.


I also used this post to experiment at my level:

Anyway, I tend to agree with that, maintaining an ego at 0% at all costs or finding the right ego ratio for each mission played, it's up to everyone to see how to organize their game but it should not be made a primary objective at the outset. Playing habits are very quickly acquired while at each step, you have to review your strategy, this is the real ego to manage :).
