Spaces of reconciliation… || Week:185

When I was a girl, my Christmas seemed like a playground, because we are 8 brothers, and I am the oldest lol, it was a time of lights, Bethlehem stars, nativity scene, classical music, Christmas, native zulian bagpipes, Christmas carols, games, typical meals, next to the stove of my maternal grandmother.

Long years have passed from that little tree with glycerin soaps (my mom's soaps) that I invented the first time I set out to set up Christmas with my essence as a child in my maternal house, trying to imitate the one that my parents had made Ha ha ha, my mom when she saw it said “That girl made a Christmas tree with my glycerin soaps, hahaha, and she sentenced "Let's start a new Christmas tradition” of creative trees today. I am so grateful to my mommy, who is still alive at 85, for allowing my creativity to never be turned off.

Sincerity and love of the good.

So I grew up with all the emotions on full display, in the 60s, 70s, I believe in traditions because they unite us and stir up emotions, to let the spirit of Christmas always be sown in my soul Galen. So much so that it will be my Christmas tradition every time I want to relive those moments, from what I have added with assets and liabilities in my family estate. We have to be flexible. Enjoy the here and now, then it's too late.

My Christmas, time of birth, of pure magic and bliss with its own family entanglements, just as the lights get tangled when YOU PLACE THEM IN THE LITTLE TREE, the essence of being born, beyond the classic. Of stories by the light of the bonfire with my mom reading us and telling us tales before going to bed to wait for the magic of the gifts that Santa brought us or the baby Jesus, as my maternal grandmother, used to tell us.

What do I like to remember most about my early childhood, about Christmas?

Of Christmas, I love to share with all the dear people and with it; to create memories of family togetherness and to see Christmas trees and decorations!.

It is so good to write about this topic that you propose Galen for this 185th weekend commitment, it brings me to the present to remember these Christmas days, a great time to make a truce in personal conflicts and move forward in spaces of reconciliation, resolutions that are still valid. My way of living Christmas has changed a lot, there are things that I choose to do and others that I don't, the most important thing is that what I choose to do produces peace and freedom for me.

To all of you who read me in this weekend commitment, I wish that today December 23, 2023, in countdown to Christmas: Enjoy the time of the year when we all love each other, respect traditions, You just can’t quit dreaming, and have God on Your way!!!


Icons by: Icofinder

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Translation with |DeepL



You really had a fun christmas as a kid (≧▽≦). And those are the good times that often look back because it was filled with pure joy. Especially you are complete in the family, in one house, together with the siblings even the aunts or uncle (✯ᴗ✯)


Thanks for being involved.

Merry Christmas to you and your family and all the best for 2024.
