It's my way of life… || Week:192

How do you do? Galen, In addition to setting realistic goals, that is always been my motto, is to be in motion all week, rocking my physical body with moderate activity to strengthen my body, my mind and spirit, to prevent my immune system from weakening.

Unless I have something planned on the street, some event, visit or invitation, many times on weekends I stay at home. So it becomes a weekday. I'm always doing something at my own pace as it provokes me. In blocks of 45–60 minutes dedicated to one thing.

I avoid sedentary as much as I can, so it makes me lazy… Hehehe😁. Ex: When I watch TV, I do squats. How little ant I try to keep order that everything returns to its place, today a drawer, tomorrow a closet, or finish a book, so I don't have to make a big effort for when everything accumulates.

Also, I use to plan for my weekend engagement with my self-esteem variety of outdoor activities such as walking, running, I walk to the supermarket, I do yoga, to avoid stress, insomnia inclusive, chronic diseases and that my mental health deteriorates due to lack of personal planning and absence of healthy habits.

I think being sedentary or inactive, being a slacker. Not exercising. All these phrases mean the same thing because it is to be sitting or lying down for a long time, doing little or no exercise, perhaps due to lack of motivation, telecommuting, excessive use of electronic devices.

I intersperse sedentary tasks with more active ones…

And is that many of our work because of the pandemic and post-pandemic have made us more inactive, with long days sitting at a desk. In this sense, Galen, I intersperse my activities at home, for example, if I'm reading sitting down, I get up and try to read while I'm walking in my room that way, I get out of my comfort zone.

I talk on the phone standing up or walking, I even often put it removed far away from me to have to get up to look when a notification arrives, I put on music and dance if I'm in organizing my house, it's kind of funny because this sweeping or passing mop to clean floors, but I do it dancing hahaha and let me tell you it's super fun... And I get the endorphins of joy up to live.

The important thing is to take steps even if it's around the house, I have a bracelet that measures my daily steps. As much as possible, I stay away from my social environment, where people lead a sedentary life and don't get active at all.

So whenever possible on weekends I ride a bike, go for a jog, walk to the supermarket, go up and down the stairs, avoid the elevator, I look to do any physical activity outdoors.

I firmly believe that breaking with a sedentary lifestyle can be a challenge, Galen, since it involves changing habits that may be deeply rooted, it is enough just to be aware of how important it is with a minimum of effort to get our body to be active during the day.

Personally, I don't run that risk of a meaningless life, as long as I'm breathing, I am energy in action. After a lot of outdoor activity on the weekend, coconut water refreshes my soul and all my senses.


Icons by: Icofinder

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Translation with |DeepL


I need this in my life haha, I usually walk in the afternoons, and on the way back I do some exercises, but even there, going out here is a chaos, there are very few outdoor places.


Thank you for your comment, I tell you that my outdoor places are often recreated either inside my house, everything is in the mind, and so I enjoy it and I do it if I am surrounded by people with your friend triggered to get out of the limp for our life and health.

Thanks for joining me ❤️
