Intense moments…

I had days without sharing with you, the “so intimate and personal” things that I think. Who else is provoked to go and live in such a place? Every weekend…

Sometimes it really makes me forget about the city for a while and wake up a few steps from the warm sand and be able to take a dip on the beach, drinking water which wakes me up more than the darkest coffee!


And in the evenings to sit down to say goodbye to the day with the lulling breeze of the sea and the magical sound of its waves, to change the bugles, the noise of the motorcycles and the traffic for this sound, of the coming and going of the sea waves, to look at the sky and just let life flow, that the days become alone, to let each sunrise take care of destiny and to live the greatness of the simplicity and the peace of true freedom, the freedom to be what we are and not what we should be.

It's amazing that today is already Saturday after Thanksgiving, and to see the speed with which life goes by and how fast we are living it. Soon we realize that 12 months have passed (almost already) and we did so many things in such a hurry, that we barely noticed the simplicity in what surrounds us, as it is a glorious beach day, full of nature.

And so the years go by, some like me, thanking God for this new coupon he gave me to live it again; but this time, learning to value and enjoy more than ever, the small moments; the simple ones...

Many friends changed their country, others simply left this plane before us, and so many things happened that barely fit in our minds.

And it is that we run so much that our life goes between work and money (money) so we say in my country, that it is not enough (for a few) leaving saved dreams that we could not fulfill, until when we can.

We must beware of being hijacked by bitterness and resentment. And let go with the wind or with the water, everything that takes away from us happy moments; not only people or things; but thoughts and emotions.

There are so many circumstances that can overshadow our optimism, our smiles of the soul, our light in the gaze and extinguish our Joys... there are many…

These realities can throw us into bitterness and resentment, and they are carcinogenic to the spirit, they wither our existence.

There is nothing like finding little sparks that guide us to a path of protection, protection or rebirth to regain hope and a sense of life, gratitude is the first attitude that takes care of our emotional freshness.

The pain of absences, wounds from the blows of life, always open.

I think the cure lies in having the courage and humility to be grateful from the smallest details to the most existential. Let's cultivate the habit, attitude of life and emotional and spiritual strength to be grateful.

From all this I understand that we must pause, stop walking on automatic and "look" more, "feel" more; "forgive" more and above all, LOVE not only from the heart, but from the conscience.

We don't have to wait for other lives to live the only one we have. Among many other things that we can enjoy in this country, good restaurants, hotels, shops, beaches, music... I have always spent beautiful days at the beach, in the mountains, and that's why I'm writing this post.

Go at your own pace, don't watch other people's watches.

When you are in a place you like, in the company of people who really love you, like my friends, my husband where you can be yourself, where there is joy, where you feel peace... There is happiness there.

My photos are from a weekend on Margarita Island, in my country, but its imprint is so fresh that even when you see the photo you can still feel the aroma of the sea, the breeze of that place and that magnificent feeling that "everything is fine".

Would you like to spend a weekend, unforgettable days with that special someone in this Caribbean paradise? Happy weekend…


2023-01-11 152403.png

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera eighties Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Icons by: Icofinder

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Translation with |DeepL


It would be really lovely to hear the sounds of waves and to feel the cool breeze coming from the beach side. It would be a peaceful environment where a person forgets all the things happening around and just enjoy the little moments happening in time.

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