Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 650)


Hello Everyone!

A sleepy start, A lot of calmness, More rain, Zero potatoes & Fizzling out on the writing!

I am off to a slow start this morning and cannot quite get my brain to snap out of its sleepiness even though I keep sipping espresso and hoping it will do the trick of waking me up all the way. Although I am not feeling like I want to go back to sleep... getting my mind fully awake seems more challenging than it usually is!

It sure is a better scenario than being overloaded by thoughts and emotions first thing in the morning or even memories of what I was dreaming for that matter... so no complaints there. On the flip-side of all that though, my mind being a bit deadpan sure does not help with the writing in any discernible way.

No complaints there or anything because I assuredly prefer calmness (especially mental calmness) to just about anything else so yeah I am rather appreciative of the state I find myself in regardless of how little fodder it provides for my literary cannon. It also sure beats my mind circling the drain on one worn out subject or another... which yup I am equally appreciative of.

As far as things around here go, the weather is looking rather hit or miss all week (in regards to rain) but it looks like there will not be any thunderstorms until the weekend arrives. All of which means that mayhaps I will be able to get more stuff sorted through in the shop tent, cleaned up and packed down.

With all the recent rain the shop tent also needs a good airing out because yup it is still collecting water inside that in turn makes it super humid and of course that in turn creates mold, mildew and even rust! If it sounds like a frigging mess it sure is and I am not all that thrilled to find out what all else has gotten ruined either via the aforementioned means or by the rodents.

Okay, it is now much later in the day and getting close to sunset. Obviously I never wrote anything else and yeah I probably will not write a whole lot more before wrapping this all up and calling it quits for the day. I could say that my mind was not up to the task of writing today... but when it comes right down to it I have written all too damn much lately and am just kind of over it for the moment.

Anyway, before the rain started early this afternoon I got in a few hikes, ate a bunch of persimmons and even dumped out a few more of the flower pots that I planted potatoes in all those months ago. Once again they were pots that had large plants in them but I got zero potatoes for my efforts!

I dunno what the heck the failure in the situation was but more than likely it was the variety of store-bought potatoes that I used. Although I was really hoping to find a bunch of potatoes in the pots that I planted... that just has not been the case and while I was tempted to dump out the rest of them... I figured that I had enough disappointments for one day!

Ha, it is now even later and I stalled out on writing anything else earlier so I best just stop for the day and call this entry 'good enough or a close enough approximation to it' and get on with the editing and posting! I hope that everyone is doing well and has a nice day/night.


The boletes have started popping up!


I have also been seeing a lot of these amanitas popping up!

Thanks for reading!


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That Is All For Now!

Cheers! & Hive On!


It could be the store bought potatoes, I know they do something to seeds to keep us from planting new plants.
