Concurso Comunitario Damas de la Colmena #179//Ladies of Hive Community Contest #179[ESP/ENG]


Feliz noche para todas en @Ladies of Hive

Voy a responder la pregunta #1️⃣ del Concurso Comunitario Damas de la Colmena #179


1️⃣ Comparte con nosotros alguna relación madre-hija memorable, ya sea buena o mala, tuya o de otra de la que hayas sido testigo.

En este momento estoy pasando por una relación madre-Hija. No muy buena. Pero no es porque tengamos problema ella y yo. Es que ella tiene 10 años de casada y a los 5 años dejaron de cuidarse para salir embarazada. Y no ha podido quedar embarazada. Comenzó a verse con una doctora especialista en fertilidad. Comenzaron los distintos tipos de exámenes, inyecciones y más inyecciones y nada. Entonces la Doctora tomó la decisión de mandarle hacer una resonancia y arrojo que tiene pólipos en el útero. Estábamos los tres juntos en la consulta y no es fácil. Ella me apretó duro la mano y le corrieron varias lágrimas por sus mejillas, al igual que a mí. El esposo la abrazó fuertemente.

La doctora se dio cuenta del momento que estábamos viviendo los tres.
La Doctora nos dijo que no pensáramos mal.
Vamos a esperar los resultados de la resonancia y ahí vamos a ver qué está pasando y lo que tendremos que hacer.
Se le hizo la resonancia y la tienen que operar para limpiar el útero y prepararlo para que pueda salir embarazada.
Este es un momento memorable. Muy fuerte que tenemos que aceptar lo que la Doctora diga después de la operación. La operación fue programada para el día jueves 04/04/2024.

Tengo mucho momento memorable, pero este es el que nos mantiene más unidas que nunca y para darle mucho apoyo. Y confiando en Dios.



Happy evening to everyone at @Ladies of Hive

I'm going to answer question #1️⃣ from the Ladies of the Hive Community Quiz #179

1️⃣ Share with us a memorable mother-daughter relationship, either good or bad, yours or someone else's that you've witnessed

Right now I am going through a mother-daughter relationship. Not a very good one.
But it's not because she and I have a problem.
It's just that she's been married for 10 years and at 5 years they stopped taking care of each other to get pregnant. And she hasn't been able to get pregnant. She started seeing a fertility doctor. They started the different types of tests, injections and more injections and nothing. Then the doctor decided to send her for an MRI and it showed that she had polyps in her uterus. The three of us were together in the office and it is not easy. She squeezed my hand hard and several tears ran down her cheeks, as they did mine. Her husband hugged her tightly.

The doctor realized the moment the three of us were living.
The doctor told us not to think badly.
We are going to wait for the results of the MRI and then we will see what is happening and what we will have to do.
She had the MRI and they have to operate to clean the uterus and prepare it so she can get pregnant.
This is a memorable moment. Very strong that we have to accept what the Doctor says after the operation. The operation was scheduled for Thursday 04/04/2024.

I have a lot of memorable moment, but this is the one that keeps us closer than ever and to give her a lot of support. And trusting in God.




I'm not sure who exactly is the one going through this, your daughter or your mother? You didn't state clearly you're really talking about but I pray she gets pregnant.


Hi @merit.ahama
My mother was 84 years old when she died. My daughter is the one who turned 10 years married and has been looking to have her baby for 5 years.

Thank you for your good wishes


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@jaci11, You have received 1.0000 LOH for posting in Ladies of Hive. We believe that you should be rewarded for the time and effort spent in creating articles. The goal is to encourage token holders to accumulate and hodl LOH tokens over a long period of time.


Thank you @ladytoken. For awarding my work and the work of all the ladies who post in this community. Grateful for the badge you awarded me. Thank you very much.


I hope your daughter has a healthy and successful pregnancy @jaci11 🙏


Hello my dear friend @kerrislravenhill. Thank you for your beautiful wishes. May it be so. I thank you for your words. They are well received.
