5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: glorious opportunity


2016-03-26 16.29.20.jpg


La vida me regaló lindos abuelos, unos no los pude conocer, partieron de este mundo antes que pudiera crecer.
Pero hubo unos que criaron a mamá, y me malcriarona mi, era su maria, la nieta consentida.
Jugaba y corria tras las gallinas de su casa, estar en el campo, eran unos dias que clamaba llegaran, pero no duraban.

Cómo me gustaria tenerlos cerca en este momento, y escuchar sus sabios consejos, creo que si hubiesen durado lo suficiente, las piedras en mi camino serían menores, el dolor de las heridas sanarian con su abrazo, y escaparme por un rato con ellos, a buscar maiz y granos, sería la cura para los malos ratos.

Cuanto no daría por escucharlos una vez más, abrazarlos un poco más, por tener la oportunidad gloriosa de decriles te amo una última vez, quizás si hago las cosas bien aquí la oportunidad llegará cuando tenga que partir.

Life gave me beautiful grandparents, some I never got to know, they left this world before I could grow up.
But there were some who raised mom, and spoiled me, I was their maria, the spoiled granddaughter.
She would play and run after the chickens in her house, being in the country, they were days that I longed for, but they didn't last.

How I would love to have them near me right now, and listen to their wise advice, I think that if they had lasted long enough, the stones in my path would be less, the pain of the wounds would heal with their embrace, and to escape for a while with them, to look for corn and grains, would be the cure for the bad times.

What I wouldn't give to hear them one more time, to hug them a little more, to have the glorious opportunity to tell them I love you one last time, maybe if I do things right here the opportunity will come when I have to leave.


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