5 Minute Freewrite: Monday - Prompt: social


Academia salsa en Coro

Si existió un lugar, distinto a mi casa en donde me senti libre y feliz, debo decir Salsa en Coro.

No sabía bailar, estaba deprimida, y decidí hacer un cambio, me inscribí, eran tres clases a la semana, en las que no nos ddaban tiempo para nada, para nada más que bailar.

La pandemia me ha hcho extrañar mucho estas tardes de baile, aún debo aprender muchas cosas, servia de ejecicio físico, las chicas debiamos bailar de puntillas, y mental, por que debiamos contar, por lo menos yo, debía hacerlo, pareciera que la salsa corre por mi sangre, pero mis piernas no responden espontáneamente.

Cuando llgamos al momento de aprender social, fue un poco de nervios, pero feliz, porque gracias a esas prácticas ya no me quedaba en la banqueta durante una fiesta.

En el baile social enseñaban secuencias de baile, es decir, como unir las figuras, y utilizarlas para bailar en alguna fiesta.

Se organizaban tardes casineras donde todos los estuidiantes nos reuniamos y poniamos en práctica lo aprendido, además de divertirnos. Cuando no habia tarde casinera, ensayabamos en casa o saliamos a una tasca, que es donde colocan salsa, en las discos era puro reguetón.

Espero todo pase, y hasta la econocmía mejore para regresar a estas clases e incluso que mis hijas me acompañen y aprendan. Prefiero bailen salsa y merengue, que reguetón.

If there was a place, different from my home where I felt free and happy, I must say Salsa in Coro.

I did not know how to dance, I was depressed, and I decided to make a change, I enrolled, there were three classes a week, in which they did not give us time for anything, for nothing but dancing.

The pandemic has made me miss these dance evenings very much, I still have to learn many things, it served as a physical exercise, the girls had to dance on tiptoe, and mentally, because we had to count, at least I had to do it, it seems that salsa runs through my blood, but my legs do not respond spontaneously.

When we got to the time to learn social, it was a little nervous, but happy, because thanks to those practices I was no longer left on the sidewalk during a party.

In social dancing they taught dance sequences, that is, how to put the figures together, and use them to dance at a party.

There were casino evenings where all the students would get together and put into practice what they had learned, as well as having fun. When there was no casino afternoon, we rehearsed at home or went out to a Tasca, which is where they played salsa, in the discos, it was pure reggaeton.

I hope everything passes, and even the economy improves to return to these classes and even that my daughters accompany me and learn. I prefer to dance salsa and merengue, than reggaeton.


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