Market Friday and Always a Flower in Bogota.


I'm a little behind on my friend @dswigle's #marketfriday community post due to the rain keeping me out yesterday.


This morning I was able to enter a popular supermarket in Colombia with a commercial chain throughout the country called Tiendas D1, which by the way already has branches in Venezuela.

The first thing I saw were these nuts and there is a wide variety of them, pistachios, walnuts, mixed nuts and they have a variety of prices as can be seen in the photo.


NUZART is the Colombian nutella and comes in two presentations: Chocolate and Chocolate and Vanilla, it has a NUCITA flavor that also comes in two colors or two flavors.


Then there is this yogurt stand, they have a rum with raisins, strawberry, coconut and peach flavor. The Latti brand is an exclusive product of these D1 stores. I've already tried the rum raisin flavored one and it's very tasty, I'd like to try the coconut flavored one.


I found something I had not seen before and it is this small presentation of Olive Oil flavored with Truffles. I have to buy it and try it.


Apple Cider Vinegar brand Natri, is a vinegar that I use in salads and I also use it as a medicine. I take two tablespoons in a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach. it is very healthy.



Papelon is unrefined cane sugar, it's like brown sugar. It comes in these two presentations: in block and scratched or pulverized.

Papelon or panela is a substitute for refined white sugar and is used by those on diet regimens or those on a keto diet. We use it to sweeten lemon juice and make what we call Agua de Panela con Limon.


Bogota is a city with a lot of vegetation and where flowers abound, walking down the neighborhood street I found some of them, which I want to share with you in the #alwaysaflower community.





Soon I will make a publication of the public transport of the city, for now I say goodbye until next time.


Traduccion al Español:

Market Friday y Always a Flower en Bogota.

Estoy un poco atrasada en la publicacion de la comunidad #marketfriday de mi amiga @dswigle debido a la lluvia que no me dejo salir ayer.

Esta mañana pude entrar a un supermercado popular en Colombia con una cadena comercial en todo el pais llamado Tiendas D1, que por cierto ya tiene sucursales en Venezuela.

Lo primero que vi fueron estos frutos secos y hay gran variedad de ellos, pistachos, nueces, nueces mixtas y tienen variedad de precios como se aprecia en la foto.

NUZART es la nutella Colombiana y viene en dos presentaciones: Chocolate y Chocolate y vainilla, esta tiene un sabor a la NUCITA que tambien viene de dos colores o dos sabores.

Luego esta este stan de yogures, tienen en sabor a ron con pasas, fresa, coco y durazno. La marca Latti es un producto exclusivo de esta tiendas D1. El de sabor a ron con pasas ya lo probe y es muy sabroso, me gustaria probar el de sabor a coco.

Me encontre algo no habia visto antes y es esta pequeña presentacion de Aceite de Oliva con sabor a Trufas. Tengo que comprarla y probarla.

Vinagre de Sidra de Manzanas marca Natri, es un vinagre que yo lo uso en las ensaladas y tambien lo uso como medicina. Tomo dos cucharadas en un vaso de agua en la mañana en ayunas. Es muy saludable.

El papelon es una azucar de caña sin refinar, es como el azucar moreno. Viene en estas dos presentaciones: en bloque y rayado o pulverizado.

El papelon o panela es un sustituto del azucar blanca refinada y lo usan los que estan a regimenes dieteticos o los que hacen dieta keto. Nosotros lo usamos para endulzar el jugo de limon y hacemos lo que llamamos Agua de Panela con Limon.

Bogota es una ciudad con mucha vegetacion y donde abundan las flores, paseando por la calle del barrio encontre algunas de ellas, las cuales quiero compartir con ustedes en la comunidad de #alwaysaflower.


That looks like a great market, @isabelpena. I love the variety of choices, and it looks like you have many healthy choices.

I should consume apple cider vinegar daily like you do. I know it has many wonderful health benefits!

Your flower photos are gorgeous!


Thank you very much friend @jayna, it's a supermarket where you get good things and low cost. Thanks for your comment.


I haven't seen a block of sugar like that but we do have sugar cane jaggery we call panutsa or tagapulot. Those nuts are calling me. I do love nuts :D


And in what country do they call it that @leeart? In Venezuela and Colombia we call it the same as Papelon or Panela and we make almost the same dishes with it. Here in Colombia they make it like coffee, they dissolve it in water and serve it that way, it's tasty and warms the body.


Oh, here in the Philippines :) I see that being used in making rice delicacies or for sweetened banana or sweet potato.


I actually love Bogota! The architecture, the people are wonderful, art was a wonderful surprise here and the food! I was actually in Columbia when Covid recalled me home. Sadly. It cut the trip short. I had no idea covid was that bad.


A wonderful store you have there (why did I think you lived in Venezuela?) and it has all the wonderful things that make life easier. I appreciate how well you lay your post out and especially love the beautiful flowers that you saved for last! #alwaysaflower

Thank you for taking us with you! (I can see now that it is a trip you made!

Fridays are all about the #MarketFriday Challenge! Looking to take part in it? Here is how:

Rules of the Road to Join #MarketFriday!

  1. Go to the market, or anywhere that you pay money for a service.
    Take pictures! Be creative!
  2. Tell us a little bit about the market or the event. What brought you there? What did you buy? How much did it cost?
  3. Post the picture(s) Of course, you should tell a little bit about the ones you post
  4. Use the MarketFriday Community Platform to post #hive-196308 (this is not required, but appreciated)
    5. Drop the link into the MarketFriday comment section so I can find it
  5. Following me and reblogging the post so more see it would be appreciated !! Not a rule, just appreciated, more vision for more views on your posts!
    7. You must put #MarketFriday by @dswigle somewhere on your post

As always, please remember! #MarketFriday loves you!


Colombia has given shelter to many Venezuelans who have fled from the dictatorial regime that is in my country, so my son is 6 years old here where he has been able to have his 2 children. So when I can, I come to take a break from the economic and food problems that some people in Venezuela are still suffering from. Bogota and all of Colombia is beautiful, it has a lot of vegetation and it rains a lot.
