Pier by the beach.






I've been standing right at the end of the pier
Dampening my hope which is still completely shaky
Sometimes my body wobbles in the wind
As if to indicate that my journey is indeed not easy

Several times the splash of water carried by the waves disturbed my daydream
As if to indicate that I'm still not ready to sail
Even though I have packed my supplies from a long time ago
But right now it's not easy to convince the mood
Because the smell can change

The afternoon light bias greets me gently
Lay down my stiff shoulders in front of him
Those reddish streaks make me feel at home
We sit together even though we are silent

I have hinted a lot until the sun goes down
But it seems that only a little he understands
Like a long illusion
He said, that all this will end
Lower your eyes and go home

One or two steps I turned around leaving an afterthought
At the same time a roar
If only the afternoon sun there is no other activity
Maybe I'm still there... with him on the pier
