This year I used glasses again

Greetings, this is the last weekend of 2022 and what better way to say goodbye than by participating in the Weekend Experiences Community challenge, it has been a fun year with its ups and downs, I hope next year is much better. Below I share my response to the topic.

Was there something you did in 2022 that positively changed your thoughts and attitudes and which you'll carry forward into 2023? What is it and how will carrying it forward make 2023 a good, or better, year? Write at least 350 words

This year I used glasses again, this may seem normal, but for me it was an experience that made me change positively, since I had not gone to an ophthalmology consultation since approximately 2018, but the glasses from that time lasted just a year, At the beginning of 2020 the glasses were already useless and that's why I stopped using them, the reason is that I always put other priorities above my health, I was focused on getting the money for a surgery that my son needed, my son will always come first and I will not change that, I am very grateful because the surgery happened in April of this year, but priorities kept coming that I was placing first before the health of my eyes.


So in the month of October of this year I finally decided to go to the doctor, what happened there was like a shock therapy, I had to face the consequence of my carelessness, because I discovered that the vision in my left eye got much worse for not wearing glasses. and for working so much on the phone and on my art, I was too surprised by the result, luckily I had the money to pay for the glasses which I looked for a week later.


At first this event made me very sad, I blamed myself for not taking care of my health on time, but at the same time this experience made me change positively, I understood that I should prioritize my health, that I should not neglect my eyes because they are also an important part of my work, just imagine how I could continue doing my art with impaired vision, that's why having my glasses and not stopping using them is something that will surely make my year 2023 much better, I won't be straining my eyes while I work, I'll be aware of going to the I went to the ophthalmologist at least once a year, that is to say, I have changed my attitude regarding the use of glasses, before I saw it as necessary but if I didn't use them there wasn't that much difference, but now I have to use them because yes, I will make an effort to have the money to never stop wearing glasses, so as the wolf with the red riding hood said "these glasses are to see you better" 😊


I hope you liked it. I invite you to read my next publications and I will always be willing to answer your questions and comments, you can also follow me and contact me on any of my social networks. Thank you!

Discord: irenenavarroart#0361


Your glasses look great on you, they look good, it's good to be able to prioritize your health, especially your eyesight.


Excelente look, como siempre

Amiga deseo que tengas unas felices fiestas y que sigamos compartiendo nuestras publicaciones el próximo año, creciendo juntas en Hive.

Un abrazo 🤗🤗


Not only the glasses but exercise your eyes. You really work with them so they need proper care. I've been using mine nonstop since I was 7yo and I think that's the reason my myopia is rather low for someone suffering it for 20 years already.

Your son is always first, but in order to be able to do that, you need to be there, so you are a priority too. Take care! Have a happy 2023!!!


Hey there!
First of all, I LOVE your look! It suits you 😉

Putting your health (eyes) in particular on the back burner was a big sacrifice, and I hope your son is experiencing better health.

Those glasses look good on you.
I hope that you've seen an improvement with your eyes and that you will indeed continue to wear your glasses... I relate well to this especially since you do art.

All good wishes :)))


I'm not a parent myself, but I think many (most?) parents would put their kids first so it's understandable that you have also; it's a shame it came at the loss of some vision though. The good thing is that you've got your glasses now and you can move forward into the new year without having to harm your ayes further.

Thanks for joining in this week and happy new year.


That's right, most parents do everything for our children first. Happy New Year 🤗


Health is the most precious thing in life, so congratulations on your decision and happy 2023 too.


Así es cuidar de la salud es nuestra responsabilidad. Feliz año nuevo 🤗


You look fabulous and those glasses suit your style perfectly! 😍

I can totally understand that you put your son's health before your own. However, please consider this: What would it mean for your son if your health took a serious downturn? I am so glad you figured it out already and made the commitment to wear your glasses.

Being an artist myself and wearing glasses, well, contacts I know too well the fear of going blind(er). Let's stay healthy!

Here's to a healthy & happy New Year!


Thank you very much for your comment, I want to be constant in the use of glasses all the time. A big hug and happy new year 🤗


My dear, am. Happy you got your sight back. At least, with the glasses, you have nothing to worry about. Am happy for your son, who is sound now, and that has given you the relief to look after yourself


I really like your post; every mother worthy of the name has always given priority to her children and I am sure she is a splendid mother.

However, things can be looked at from several points of view; Your child needs his mother. To be present and ready, you must always be healthy; therefore the eye examination and the use of glasses is not something you have done only for yourself but also for your child.

Moreover, health is essential because, like time, it is something that once lost is never returned.
Take care of yourself and always pay attention to your health, you deserve to feel good and your child deserves a healthy mother.

Thanks for the nice post and sharing. A hug!
