I am attracted to people's quirks

I think that we will all agree in saying that external beauty is subjective, what some consider attractive to others is not, however, when so many beauty stereotypes have been established, it is difficult to give a personal opinion if everyone has agreed on exactly what the same taste, if I were asked the closed question: Does a man need to have a fit/muscular/athletic body and a beautiful face to be attractive to you?, my answer would be no, no person needs to have an attractive face or body according to social standards for me to consider attractive, for me personality is more important, in fact I would not dare to have a love relationship with someone just based on their external appearance, I think that even for me that initial physical attraction fades if the I don't like the person's way of being. But that does not mean that I don't pay attention to people's physique, but to be honest my tastes are peculiar, I am attracted to what is different.

You may be wondering how can I say that I like how different people are, if after all we are all human, in theory we have the same characteristics, all humans are really very similar, but what I mean is that they are not I like the uniformity to which the media have accustomed us, if you look at all the women who have a rhinoplasty end up with a very similar nose, that is, there are millions of women with the same type of nose, it also happens with men when the beard is done in the same way, just to take an example, from this uniformity in people it is difficult to notice distinctive and unique features, that is why I am very attracted when a man or a woman has something different in his physique.


What for many could be considered a defect, for me is something that distinguishes a person and attracts me, of course it does not have to be a cluster of characteristics together, something peculiar is enough, for example the first time I saw the actor Joaquin Phoenix my eyes went directly to the scar that the actor has on his upper lip, then my sight went to his full face and he seemed to me a very attractive man, that's how those little oddities that people have attract me, I put another example with the actor Ralph Fiennes who has peculiarly thin lips and a slightly prominent nose, when I saw Wuthering Heights or Schildler's List, he looked like a very attractive man despite the strong temperament of the characters he played, another example in David Bowie, who was always so thin, with one pupil always bigger than the other due to an accident in his childhood and in his youth he had slightly crooked teeth, this added to his eccentricity in dressing seems really attractive to me, that is to say I like people with characteristics that others could consider defects.


I know that some consider that I am attracted to ugly people, but it is not like that, I am just from the group of people who pay attention to details, there are wrinkles on the forehead that look very good on people, there are people with big hands and hardened by some activities that make it an attractive trait. I feel that for me physical beauty is in the details, however, even if I feel attracted to these things, the physical will never be more important than the way a person acts.

This is my participation in the Weekend Experiences Initiative. I invite @yetsimar @chacald.dcymt to participate

I hope you liked it. I invite you to read my next publications and I will always be willing to answer your questions and comments, you can also follow me and contact me on any of my social networks. Thank you so much!

Discord: irenenavarroart#0361


You seem to be drawn to the things that normal people wouldn't be drawn to. It takes an observant person to look past the physical features first and search for the little or prominent abnormalities.


I know that for most it seems strange but it is something that I realized a while ago and I feel good observing those details 😊


It's not strange to me at all. Sometimes I'm guilty of it too. I call it "appreciating flaws" as each flaw has a backup story.


I see you're good observer. Also, beauty being a subjective notion, no one can say that a certain thing/person is beautiful or ugly, what may be ugly to one person may be beautiful in the eyes of another. You're entitled to a subjective timeframe, as a participant in the grand scheme of things. I think it's totally normal and should be in fact celebrated. Each pereon is unique in his/her own way carving their own pathways through their subjective experiences both good and bad. That's wht makes life a beautiful gift. Thanks for sharing your experience with the world!!!


I agree each person has unique traits that are beautiful to the eye that appreciates them, we don't all see the same things in the same way and that's the good thing about being different people



The truth is that I don't consider you to have such a strange taste, because I share many things with you in terms of attractiveness hehe. I am also attracted to people with unique characteristics linked to their personality.
When I told my acquaintances about my tastes they said I was strange.
You know I liked your writing. Good luck to you


Thank you very much, you know while I was doing my post and I was trying to find images from free-use pages, I couldn't find those different traits, it's a pity that you can't find a photo of a person with an aquiline nose or with slightly crooked teeth, Among other things, this shows that most people impose the same standard of beauty, when there are features that are beautiful in each person.

Thanks for your comment


Hmmmmm attracted by what stands out. Never thought of it but in truth that is also an attractive feature which lures one to check all other features.

Nicely written. I learnt something new or better still ‘I am more aware of what attracts me because of you’. Thanks for sharing 💕


Thank you very much for your comment, each person has a taste but it does not have to be the same as everyone if each person is different. 😊


I think that not all people are the same, even if there is a stupid standard of beauty, we all have that something that makes us different. I agree with you that sometimes the things that are out of the ordinary are the most attractive.


Thank you very much for your comment, we all have something different, there are people for all tastes 😊
