Dealing With Writer's Block? Try Reading Some Posts


Writing is an activity that is not born spontaneously, there is a creative process before someone starts writing. For serious and in-depth writing, there is long research and careful research before an article can appear.


Photo by CJ Dayrit on Unsplash

Even writing a daily story has a basis and a long process in it. Like writing your experience when visiting special places, there must be effort and documentation of the place visited.

Likewise, writing about finance and crypto, reading the news, analyzing cryptocurrencies, and seeing trading is also the basis for someone to produce an article.

In this community, we often see how data is presented in attractive graphic form, some write daily reports, some monthly, others present data from one particular variable, such as the number of onboarding new users to Hive.


The image above is an example of a chart I got from Peakmonster, 12,400 daily average signups, and more than 200 thousand spellbooks sold. None of this would have been possible for me to know if I had not read.

It's no wonder that analysis and statistics article attracts the attention of many people as well as curators because they present information based on data and research, maybe a little speculation and projections, but all of that is based on the data they collect, not just assumptions and fantasies.

I feel it myself, reading seems to open a new way for ideas to emerge, sometimes I get confused with those who actively write almost every day, but everything is answered when I see their comments on other people's posts, they read and analyze, then give suggestions and comments, not infrequently their writing ideas appear after they read other people's writings.

In conclusion, if you get stuck and face writer's block, then read on, it's up to you what to read, just read it, because, by reading, there are other people's ideas that start to enter our mind, then develop it. Happy reading and writing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This is such a helpful post. 😍🙌Thank you so much for posting, now I have more ideas for my blog🙏


Thank you very much, I'm glad post can be useful for others. keep sharing positive vibes.


I hope to see more content like this! Thank you again😊
