Can High School Students Be Taught About Crypto And Things Related To It?



A high school is a place where students have started to think about the level of education that will be taken in the future. At this level, a person can sometimes enter the workforce if they take a vocational school, but in general, the skills that every high school level child must possess are the ability to read to absorb information, as well as the ability to write to convey the information obtained.

We all know, in the era of the internet, it is difficult to talk about today's progress without the role and role of the internet, and what is more important than just the internet today is blockchain and decentralization.

I thought about what if crypto issues and crypto-related things were taught in school, it would definitely attract a lot of interest.

Schools teach how to absorb information, then process it by writing well and correctly as a means of conveying information.

Write and share on hive blockchain, or maybe write about finance on Leofinance. I believe this will be a smart solution that boosts student morale in high school.

Finding work is hard nowadays, when a school or anyone has the responsibility to find a solution to this problem by writing on the blockchain to generate, this will be very helpful. Of course, everything needs a process, this is not a one-night rich scheme.

If you don't like writing, you can also play games, Splinterlands for example, this game is currently trending and attracts a lot of people to join and participate in the blockchain.

In conclusion, introducing high school students to the blockchain is a must, just like compulsory education and eliminating illiteracy, so it is appropriate that blockchain and the technology behind it must also be taught because everyone wants to have income from what they love to do.

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Teaching crypto from early stages in life will simply prepare the new generations for a better financial life. Not that they should leave the childhood time free of worries too soon, but rather teach them through gamification a new way of life and even freedom. That's one thing we missed, so why should the new generation do the same?


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Exactly, that period was a time when someone was confused in determining the direction of their future, giving them this choice from the start would really help them in dealing with the problem of anxiety about the absence of jobs after school. Hopefully what we missed first is not felt by the next generation.

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