Silent blog from war zone: tea story


Hi, guys!

Today. I continue to get used to my home again. In the morning I went out to buy food, and could not believe my eyes: strawberries appeared on sale. All the time that we were in Vinnitsa, I terribly wanted fresh berries, but there was absolutely nowhere to get them, and here such a gift was literally on the second day.

Of course, food prices are very high, I really hope that in the future it will somehow be stabilized. For now, I just need to buy basic products, because there is nothing at all at home, when we left, we took everything. So now situations are constantly happening like there are dumplings, but there is no ketchup. As I like to say "there is food, but you can't eat it."

Together with the dog, we are gradually putting the house in order. We try to do it slowly so that my psyche has time to adapt. So far, it seems to be working out well. I wanted to bring something new into our life, and the day before we were just talking with a friend about brewed tea. I've never been good at tea, but suddenly I wanted to start. And I think I've already made my first mistake.

I went to the site that was advised to me and began to look at what types of tea they have. In the column of the order, it was necessary to indicate the quantity, and the minimum was 8 grams. I thought that this was very little, literally at one time, and put many different teas in such a small weight into the basket.

What I did not take into account is that the tea is very light. See what happened in the end:





It seems that now I have enough tea until the new year :)
