Rule of five minutes for creative crisis


Hi, guys!

I found myself in a situation I had never been in before. That is, I know what a creative crisis is, but I did not expect that I would have to get acquainted with it on such a scale. I haven't been able to sit down to draw for a week now. The situation is complicated by the fact that I have several orders that need to be done, but for some reason I can’t force myself. I think today is the time to discuss this with my therapist, which stops me from just picking up art materials and starting to work. But is there something stopping you? I think it's fear. While I was sick, I drew very little, and now I'm just scared that nothing will work out. This really needs to be worked on.

Today I thought about applying the five minute rule. It's when you promise yourself that you'll do something for exactly five minutes (but I think I'll give myself 15), sit down, set a timer and do it, And if after 15 minutes you don't enter into a state of pleasure from the process - stop . After all, anything can be tolerated for 15 minutes, right?

Now I will try to do just that. Wish me good luck:)

