Autumn beauty and new planning strategy


Hi, guys!

Yesterday I did a good time analysis last week, and I must say that there are definite shifts for the better. Quite small, I managed to spend about three hours a week more constructively, which in itself is very, very little, but this is already something.

I also talked with my curator, and we came to the conclusion that it would be desirable for me to build my work differently for a while. I have said before that sometimes it is very difficult for me to concentrate on completing an assignment due to the fact that I am worried that I still have a lot to do. We seem to have found a way to calm my nervous system a little by adapting the schedule differently than before.

Initially, I worked according to the following plan: I did as much as possible, recording how much useful time I managed to spend in a day. Now we have come up with the following to reduce the level of anxiety. It should be noted right away that my curator currently uses just such a system.

Now I set aside a specific time per day that I plan to do a certain activity. For example, three hours of drawing a day. And now even if I need to finish just a little, ten to fifteen minutes, I will immediately stop doing what I was doing as soon as the time allotted for the task ends. This should be especially effective when dealing with things that are not very pleasant. It is always easier to deal with them when you know for sure that they have an end, and this end is quite concrete.

Thus, I have a different plan for this week. On the one hand, it is easier, but on the other hand, I do not yet know how exactly it will turn out. Now you don't have to panic that you will have to work all the way, but on the other hand, I am a little nervous about the fact that now there is a fixed time, and it turns out that for some activities it is much more than I was able to productively spend last week. But this is another experiment, and I'm sure it deserves a chance to be tried.

In the meantime, the city is golden, and I want to share with you the beauty that we have collected in our objective during today's walk with my dog.





Have a great week!

See you in the next post!
Love, Inber
