[Week 120] Weekend-Engagement Bikini


Bikini and bathers weekend

One of the things I love the most is going to the beach, and although I wasn't sure about sharing these very personal photos, for me, I finally decided to do it.

This was 4 years ago, yes that's right, and as you can see I haven't changed much, although there I was a little bit chubbier, I had my belly, I still have it now, but well, it's hard to get out of it hahahaha.


This trip was something improvised, I could say, I organized it with some friends, we prepared our food, I remember that we gave all the ingredients to a friend, to prepare a rice with pepitonas, something that was the first time I was going to try, because my friends were sure that this was cheaper and would yield for everyone, which it was.

We left very early, we got on a boat to get to the island, it was also my first time on a boat, I confess that I was a little nervous, although I pretended to be fine, I was afraid that it would turn over, I do not know how to swim, of course we were wearing life jackets, but even so, I did not stop feeling a scare in my stomach.

But without a doubt, all this was worth it, we arrived at the island, and it was a paradise, we managed to locate ourselves, it is a remote part, just us, quiet, enjoying this beautiful view, that crystal clear and pure water, I remember that I washed my face with the sand, and my friends told me that it was good for removing blackheads from the face.

It was a very nice day, quiet, relaxed, these places have that energy that transmit peace and calm, you feel happy, excited, you manage to forget your problems for a moment, you just want to enjoy the environment, nature, take a good bath, do not think about anything else.


As I always say, in the sea life is tastier, there is nothing better than enjoying a day at the beach, either with your family or friends, or even alone, because no one can take that moment of peace and tranquility away from you.

I hope you liked my picture, as I said I haven't changed much, with my rebellious and black hair, and my little belly that doesn't leave me hahahaha.

It only remains for me to thank our good friend @galenkp for this warm space, I hope you had a great weekend, and that this new week begins as well as possible.

Cover and Banner edited with Photoshop
Photos of my Property
Taken from the trunk of my memories.
App Bitmoji



No doubt that life is tastier at sea and with that crystal clear water it is worth the effort to get there in that boat, I would also go with fear because I do not know how to swim either hahaha. Blessings my beautiful, you look beautiful in these photos 😘🌷.


that's right friend, that scare is worth it, nothing like enjoying a warm day at the sea, thank you beautiful, a hug😍


Bikini life!!!! Oh come on, be kind with your belly, it's all good 😃


yes, life in a bikini, you are right, my little belly, my faithful friend,😄 greetings.


Bueno y tanto insistí en leer otros post, que he llegado a unas foticos subiditas de tono 🔥 jejejej

Vale no pasa nada igual vamos a la playa, donde nos ve una gran cantidad de personas, incluso más de las que nos podemos llegar a imaginar, puesto que no hay forma de ir contando 23, 55, 161... si lo intentaramos perderiamos la cuenta y Dios no que obsesión más loca nooo 😂

La barriguita se soluciona con el photoshop jajaj y se acabó el problema, no lo veo difícil, claro un poco trampa eso si 😅 publicidad engañosa, pero todos los días nos meten publicidad así a donde quiera que veamos, hasta las fotos de las hamburguesas estan super retocadas y los ingredientes muchos no son reales sino falsos para que la foto luzca mejor.


How interesting your comment😅, I've heard of this post uploaded tones, but I have not come across any jij, well yes, the tummy can be covered, all with a good editing, what else, thanks for stopping by.😜 😅

By the way, as a note I recommend you, for next time leave comments in English, as this community only handles this language, both the post and comments, greetings.🤗
