RE: The Power of the WEF Revealed by Russia Sanctions


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Your crypto assets will not be available to you without permission of the WEF. You will not have internet access without permission of your ISP, whom the WEF owns a controlling stake in. Every company you purchase from, every government you pay taxes to, and every place you have money, is controlled by the WEF. There is a reason they allow you to transact today, and that is the control grid is still being set up. It will be complete before 2030.

YEP there will be no place for anyone who doesn't submit. Unless we rid ourselves of the real problems we have.


Downloaded, scheduled for read ASAP.

Not sure how to strike out text. I read it. Looks like some DD from r/GME or SuperStonk or some other similar. Do you have any thoughts on GameStop and how it plays into the bigger picture?

The Gamestop saga is an attempt to profit from shorts by forcing the shorts to cover at a loss. It leads into the main thrust of the discussion regarding corporate ownership of stock companies. The end result is that BlackRock, StateStreet, and Vanguard own a majority stake - a controlling interest - in ~90% of the stock companies in the world. Since BlackRock, StateStreet, and Vanguard also own major stakes in each other, they are essentially one megacorp that controls all the stock companies in the world.

The investors that own the stock in megacorp are the people that are represented by the WEF. It is they that are having Larry Fink push identity politics, require diversity quotas for borrowers, cutting off dissidents from payment processors like Visa, Paypal, and Mastercard, and telling GoFundMe to refuse to enable the truckers in Canada to get donated funds, for example.

They are behind Klaus Schwab's promise that by 2030 we will own nothing - because, as the Russia sanctions show, they can just take our bank accounts.
