[EN] Weekly contests results


Hello to all,

Article in French

Here are the results of last week's competitions:

Competition Weight

UsernameWeight gainedEarnings
dechuck306.8Kg1000 nugget(s) + 10 gem(s)
middle-earthling101.2Kg750 nugget(s) + 5 gem(s)
tatox2035.2Kg500 nugget(s) + 2 gem(s)
Skorillo33.1Kg250 nugget(s)
pedrobrito200430Kg100 nugget(s)

Competition Activities

UsernameTotal durationEarnings
dechuck13616 minutes1000 nugget(s) + 10 gem(s)
Skorillo11317 minutes750 nugget(s) + 5 gem(s)
pedrobrito20049450 minutes500 nugget(s) + 2 gem(s)
middle-earthling8970 minutes250 nugget(s)
blockchainleo7560 minutes100 nugget(s)

Competition Clicks

UsernameNumber of clicksEarnings
Skorillo35 clics1000 nugget(s) + 10 gem(s)
dechuck32 clics750 nugget(s) + 5 gem(s)
tatox2011 clics500 nugget(s) + 2 gem(s)
rudeturks1 clics117 nugget(s)
bokica801 clics117 nugget(s)
cryptobandito1 clics117 nugget(s)

Competition Gems

UsernameGems spentEarnings
dechuck30 gems6 gem(s)
Skorillo20 gems3 gem(s)
middle-earthling17 gems2 gem(s)
pedrobrito200417 gems2 gem(s)
tatox2011 gems1 gem(s)

Congratulations to all the winners

Don't forget to follow us, vote and share the post and join us on Discord

Have a nice day
