Read the Clouds | Lee las nubes -- A 5-Minute FreeWrite (SPA-ENG)


When Miguel moved to Normal, Illinois, he would find out too late that there was nothing normal about that town.

Read the Clouds

Tornados come in different shapes and forms. Unlike earthquakes, tornados can be predicted with certain accuracy just in time for people to take cover and avoid further loss. The financial and emotional tornados can work quite similarly, but just like the meteorological phenomenon, they find a way to cause damage regardless of the signs. They can all be devastating, even if the actual impact is brief.


When Miguel moved to Normal, Illinois, he would find out too late that there was nothing normal about that town. It was not normal for a town to be named like that, to begin with. On top of that, it was in the middle of a tornado alley. He was assured that nothing would ever happen to him there. In more than 50 years of data compilation, there had never been one single fatality caused by a tornado in that area and only 4 people had been injured (most likely because of their own imprudence, they said).

In either case, Normal's downtown area already gave signs of economic devastation.

Walmart and other mega stores had just arrived to town after much controversy and resistance. As it was expected, it had driven most local stores out of business. Even though Kmart had been the Walmart of its time, it was now on the way to bankruptcy too. The now desolated Eastland Mall where it still operated had become Miguel's favorite shopping area. Ironically, as a foreigner he felt better doing business in a less crowded area surrounded by people who also felt displaced or rejected.

[end of five minutes]

His marriage had dark clouds hovering over it too. Once in a while there were noises announcing a storm. They had assumed that the air would be clear in the new town, with a new life. However, they had just grown thin-skinned about everything and years later his wife did not even remember what was that little thing that made him storm out of their apartment and drive aimlessly under a tornado watch. His wife tried to warn him, but he thought she was just calling him back to give him another piece of her mind.

He decided to go to Kmart and buy something he did not need, but which would help him clear his mind. Had he turn on the radio, as he used to do when he was in control of his temper, he would have heard the warnings. The tornado had hit Decatur and was on its way to the Twin Cities. Had he taken his usual road down Main Street and straight into East Empire St., he would have been inside Kmart 5 minutes before. Instead, he took the long road around East College Av. and then Towanda Av.


Had his anger allowed him to pay attention to the clouds, he might have seen the funnel coming down, tickling the cornfields, looking for something more substantial to uproot.

He did hear and felt the first hails banging on his car. By the time he parked at Kmart, it was too late. There were people signaling from the store, but he did not think they were talking to him. He did not know anybody there. He walked confidently towards the store and saw the lighting that hit the parking lot, a few feet from him. He saw the blue light become tentacles, branch out, crawl towards his right shoe, and climb up his leg. Then, came the big roar and the deafening silence.

Versión en Español


Lee las nubes

Los tornados vienen en diferentes formas y tamaños. A diferencia de los terremotos, los tornados se pueden predecir con cierta precisión justo a tiempo para que las personas se resguarden y eviten pérdidas mayores. Los tornados financieros y emocionales pueden funcionar de manera bastante similar, pero al igual que el fenómeno meteorológico, encuentran la manera de causar daños independientemente de las señales. Todos pueden ser devastadores, incluso si el impacto real es breve.

Cuando Miguel se mudó a Normal, Illinois, se enteraría demasiado tarde de que no había nada normal en esa ciudad. Para empezar, no era normal que una ciudad se llamara así. Además de eso, estaba en medio del famoso callejón de tornados. Sin embargo, le aseguraron que allí nunca le pasaría nada. En más de 50 años de recopilación de datos, nunca había habido una sola muerte causada por un tornado en esa área y solo 4 personas habían resultado heridas en todo ese tiempo (probablemente debido a su propia imprudencia, dijeron).

En cualquier caso, el centro de Normal ya mostraba señales de devastación económica.

Walmart y otras mega tiendas acababan de llegar a la ciudad después de mucha controversia y resistencia. Como era de esperar, la mayoría de las tiendas locales cerraron. A pesar de que Kmart había sido el Walmart de su tiempo, ahora también estaba en camino de la bancarrota. El Eastland Mall, ahora desolado, donde todavía funcionaba, se había convertido en la zona comercial favorita de Miguel. Irónicamente, como extranjero se sentía mejor haciendo compras en un área menos concurrida rodeado de personas que también se sentían desplazadas o rechazadas.

Su matrimonio también venía con nubes oscuras sobrevolando. De vez en cuando se escuchaban ruidos que anunciaban una tormenta. Habían asumido que el aire se despejaría en la nueva ciudad, con una nueva vida. Sin embargo, se habían vuelto demasiado sensibles e irritables por todo; años después su esposa ni siquiera recordaba qué nimiedad fue la que lo hizo salir disparado de su apartamento y conducir sin rumbo fijo bajo una alerta de tornado. Su esposa trató de advertirle, pero él pensó que solo lo estaba llamando para seguir discutiendo.

Decidió ir a Kmart y comprar algo que no necesitaba, pero que le ayudaría a aclarar su mente. Si hubiera encendido la radio, como solía hacer cuando manejaba calmado, habría escuchado las advertencias. El tornado había golpeado Decatur y se dirigía a las Ciudades Gemelas. Si hubiera tomado su camino habitual por Main Street y directamente hacia East Empire St., habría estado dentro de Kmart 5 minutos antes. En cambio, tomó el camino largo alrededor de East College Av. y luego la Av. Towanda.

Si su ira le hubiera permitido prestar atención a las nubes, podría haber visto caer el embudo, haciendo cosquillas en los campos de maíz, buscando algo más sustancial para arrancar de raíz.

Escuchó y sintió los primeros trozos de granizo golpeando su carro. Para cuando se estacionó en Kmart, ya era demasiado tarde. Había gente haciendo señales desde la tienda, pero no pensó que fuera con él. No conocía a nadie allí. Caminó confiadamente hacia la tienda y vio el rayo que golpeó el concreto mojado del estacionamiento, a unos metros de él. Vio que la luz azul se convertía en tentáculos, se ramificaba, se arrastraba hacia su zapato derecho y trepaba por su pierna. Luego, vino el gran rugido y el silencio ensordecedor.


Thanks for stopping by and reading

This was my entry to @mariannewest and @latino.romano’s 5 Minute Freewrite: Weekend Single Prompt Option: tornado. You can see the details here.

Make sure you visit the Freewrite House!!!

Freewrite House.jpg

Hive gif 2.gif


Wow finally found the link to the freewrite house. I'm A big fan of marrianewest freewrite. Thanks A lot fire dropping the link.
We shouldn't let anger cloud our minds and deafen our ears. But then you Kinda left me in suspense here lol

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You are welcome.
Yep, anger is the worst advisor. Makes us do foolish things and once it's in control it's worse than a twister.
I initially thought of having the character come back home and face the wife with some sort of I-told-you-so moment; but then, as it usually happens with stories, it went that way and I felt that leaving it with some ambiguity or open end might do the trick.


It definitely did the trick, its always cool leaving your readers in a bit of suspense. I'm really glad you led me to the freewrite house.
Is there a particular time of the day that the prompt word for the day is usually released?

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Woow, sentí como si fuera a mí a quien le hubiese caído.

Has hecho un buen trabajo, sigue así.


Muy agradecido por tu comentario.


That man was a stone before the story began. Not heeding to any suggestions or signs, hardened by foolishness.


That's a great description of the character. Thanks for stopping by.
