Rug Pull | Trading Shitty Coins Can Leave You Broke Or Extremely Rich


My early years in crypto was about making money and not studying the market movement, then I go influenced by the way people spoke about how they make 10x, 2x and so forth from their initial investment and then I thought to myself that’s my break through to financial freedom.

Trading shitty projects/coin at one point in time was the best thing that happened to me, because I was able to make substantial amount of profit from each trade which I venture into, because I was more of a short term trader not an investor then, because people were painting the notion that crypto is a scam so losing my capital.


The trade took another turn with me starting to make decisions which were not favorable all in the name of making quick profit, started losing money to the extent I was rug pulled, invested in a project after listening to a promising and interesting AMA couple of months down the line didn’t still no words form the development team, leaving me with the worthless assets. Another incident which occurred again after the project team carried out an update on their test net, things began to fall apart traders like me lost value of the assets which I was holding with no news from the developer on how to get our money of asset out.

I made some terrible financial decision in my early age in crypto which I am still suffering the after effect of it financially I hope it’s not something I would live with.

If you seen this post on a Web2 ecosystem and you have no clue about what Leofinance is here is a brief definition;

LeoFinance is a blockchain-based Web3 community that builds innovative applications on the Hive, BSC, ETH and Polygon blockchains. Our flagship application: allows users and creators to engage and share content on the blockchain while earning cryptocurrency rewards.

Over here we refer to users as lions, so are you ready to be a lion here is my referral link
Also don’t forget in contributing to the pHBD-USDC pool, and from statistics it looks like we will be able to archive the set target in a few months, let’s do our own part in growing the pHBD-USDC liquidity and also take out time to participate in the Leo power up challenge which happens every 15th of each month.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
