Define Hapiness, the robot said (and also the reason why I want to look like Thor, the one without belly)


I was watching that "Limitless" series, with the actor that played Thor, Chris Helmsworth, yesterday. 6 episodes of 40 minutes, quite interesting in my opinion. Not only because they show Chris the man, but also because they offer alternatives to increase your healthspan (living long and healthy, as opposed to just living longer). I watched the first 3 episodes and they were about training your mind to deal with stress (this was a walk outside of a very tall building, as he seems to be afraid of heights), how to deal with shock and how doing hard things make you better equipped for life (where he train do deal with cold and do a swim in frozen water with no equipment) and how the fast and enjoy the switch from working with sugars (blood sugars and so) to functioning burning fat - ketones (and he did 4 days fasting, which made me jealous, as my record was 3 days). Was even Dr. Peter Attia in there (one of my favorite researchers), talking about how to live longer and better. Now, I still have 3 more episodes to watch, and I am sure I will before I start work again on weekend.


Talking about that, how do I do it, I had a week of time off, and it felt as if I had more work to do around that if I would be at work, this December is annoying, with everyone's expectations, cards, and gifts. Still, boosted by that movie I've mentioned before, I found some free time to go for a sauna, as I may have needed, to boost my recovery a bit, as, funny enough, I might have been overexcited while shopping, and got some pain in my elbow after I was carrying too many bags home.

On my health quest, I feel that I reach a plateau, got stuck somewhere between 84-85 kg, on my quest of going from 91kg to 77-78 (or to explain it better, to reach a BMI lower than 25, as initially, it was 28, and I was not pleased with that). Still, the BMI part can be tricky, as you can build muscle instead of fat and have more than 25, and be healthy, but this is not my case yet. Writing this, I realized that I need to introduce another value into the mix, and this is the fat percentage. And now I am regretting thinking about this, as my body fat percentage is going somewhere towards 30%, which is bad. My reasoning was right, I need to lose some weight urgently and start to eat healthier.

Today and/or tomorrow is the time of the week when I check my blockchain games, and do some selling, buying, and staking. Not much, I just sell GLX every other day, then depending on what I want, exchanging into Splinterlands DEC, to upgrade some cards that need a few more points until the full level. That was the initial plan, but when I start to rent a few cards for the brawl, ended up doing some games and going all the way to Silver I, with a Yodin Zaku and a few ranged cards. And I am annoyed, as I was thinking that playing the brawls should be enough, and I wanted to let my cards be rented for DEC. Not to mention that I am obsessed a bit with, adding some more deck to buy CL packs and even putting SPS in the pool to provide liquidity. I will do this for this week and maybe the next one, and then I need to stop. But it seems like a good deal, with the CL pack for 2700 DEC, as they do a bulk buy in December.

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I do not know if it is the age (45 soon) or now, but I do have some issues with the bodybuilding training, as I get small problems that are not quite quick to heal. The latest was a shoulder muscle, quite an annoying one, preventing me to go 100% on most of the exercises that I do with my arms. Or probably I must admit that I need to start smaller, doing more reps with smaller weights. This seems to be a blow to my ego, but then, I need to continue maintaining the muscle mass, so, coming to terms with it seems to be the right solution. Other than that, on my quest to immortality, I also need to train and maintain, even improve my hand grip and my balance. All those Yoga sessions should do something to solve these problems.

And here I am, thinking about reaching the age of 90 at least, really aiming for 120. Yes, Death is a serious issue to face, and no matter how much you try to prevent it, sooner or later you are confronted with your own mortality. And as you see that you spend your time doing things that you do not like, in order to afford basic life items, you start to think what did you do wrong? Macroeconomically speaking, you did not do anything wrong, but still, these are the times we live in, and there are so many people that are dealing with much more problems than you. Being grateful is one of the tools to feel happier, but I keep forgetting to use it. It is not hard, to start the day on a positive note, you need to find at least 5 reasons to be grateful, and if I am to think about it, I am grateful that I have a roof, electricity, a fridge full of food, internet, and the family around. Just these five things alone will put you in the 1% in terms of happiness. as most of the global population is missing 2-3 even 4 of them. Think about.

Then, just a quick Personal Finance 101, in order to improve your life even further. Check your monthly expenses. Start saving an emergency fund with at least 6 months of expenses, 12 if you feel insecure. After you got this safety net, start saving even more, and use the extra funds to invest in something that pays some decent interest. HBD came to mind if you are enough tech-savvy, but there are many other. And then, keep going until your monthly interest and rewards are covering your expenses. That is called Financial independence, and that is the starting moment. Every income that you get after that will help you to design your life optimally, following your mission, dream, or whatever name you call it. That's all. On the paper, or in the post. Easy to explain, but hard to follow. As you need something else for this journey. You need discipline. You need to think about long-term rewards versus short-term pain. And, I must to admit, as I am also a product of this generation, we want our cake and we want it now, and this is the main reason why we do not live successful happy lives.

And with this, I stop here, as I need to go out and have a haircut. (no me picture will be posted after this main event).

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Take care,
