
Photo by @wakeupkitty

I knew just how much I hated hangovers, but It didn't stop me from wanting to go to the club tonight.
I had to get my mind off things because Rachel my girlfriend had texted me that she wanted a breakup.
I'd already seen the signs but was probably in denial believing we could actually make it work, looks like I was living in self-delusion.

I'd dated Rachel for most of highschool up until we graduated, but unfortunately I didn't get into any university while Rachel got a pick of five different universities.
We'd always known I wasn't much of the book type and she always said it was my charm she loved about me.

Before she left I reminded her that distance could be an issue but she allayed my fears and it was almost looking as if I didn't want the relationship to work, so I dropped it.
After a few months in lotthe university though, we barely spoke and had almost no time for each other.

I had to study to get an admission the next year while she also had to settle down in her new environment. With a mix of arguments and the distance factor, I knew it was only a matter of time before someone brought up the breakup topic.

Although I felt like a coward, I was almost glad she brought it up even though I was also hoping some miracle would happen and we would make it work.
I knew I still love her dearly, but we were hurting each other by being together. This didn't stop the break-up from hurting though.

Still thinking about whether or not to go to the club, I didn't realize when I dozed off until I felt the rays of the sun on my face.
As I made my bed for the morning, I decided to make the bed for two. In memory of the relationship I wished I still had.


It is morning. The sun shines. The start of a new beginning, a new life.

Greetings @wakeupkitty, thank you for joining pic1000.
