Chrissy Update | Daily Chicken Chores


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Come with me on my daily chores to take care of my backyard chickens. For the most part I feel chickens are pretty easy to take care of as long as you get a good routine going on and also good protection for them while outside. The run itself has string over top to keep out birds and other predators. You most likely see this done at pools where string is often hung up over pools in order to keep birds from flying into the area. This is the same idea and it works rather well.

This video is also an update on little Chrissy who is an adopted hen that was the only survivor from her hatchlings due to a dog attack at another farm. It was said she might do well by introducing her to my hens who are around the same age as her and hopefully have her blend in with them.

It was rough at first and I’m happy to see her going outside now, eating on her own and drinking water on her own. She’s also been doing better around the other hens and found her place.

One of my next projects will be rebuilding the inside of the coop a bit or at least making it so the sitting area where some of the chickens have started to roost to be more comfortable. These are all things I’m learning and building along the way. For the most part though outside of this it’s all about food, water, getting them outside, collecting eggs and then putting them in for the night. Rather easy and a great animal to have on any homestead. Have an amazing day and thank you for joining me on my homesteading journey :)

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