'Smp2' - New Original Music - Playing w/ Yesterday's Idea a Bit - Electronic/Instrumental


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I didn't really work on anything

new last night, just had this session open while watching some TV, so I played around with it a bit. I got rid of the B part entirely, except for the end of the song, and instead just repeat the A part multiple times; however, when the drums come in, the A part changes a bit, with all the D7 chords and any of the F#'s in Track 2 altered so it's just a Dmin and an F natural, just so it's a bit different from the previous times around. There's also a change on the 3rd 4 chord loop for each section of 4 loops, where we move from Eb6 to a Bb6, then F, and Dmin, inverting where we resolve to the Bb, again just a little shift. I extended that section with the drums 2x as long, and played around with some of the drums a bit. I added another drum track, Track 6, which doubles the progression, mostly just filling in the low-end of the kick and the snappy sound of the snare a bit more. I also boosted the volume of the original snare in Track 5, and added a gate to that kit. There's now a echo effect too, which comes in at the end of that section, with the snare hit repeating and fading out a bit. Track 10 was a bit of a random addition, which just added a drum sound (sort of a tom), which I pitched randomly to try and get something weird. I added a Thermal distortion to it as well. Overall, nothing big change-wise. I'll try and either have something new, or something more substantive with this idea to share tomorrow.

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Track 1, Same Changes to the Progression

Listen to Smp2 here...

Hope you enjoy!

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