
Welcome everyone to this new recommendation of action and survival movies; I tell you that some time ago I saw this movie and I just remembered it because in my country Venezuela we were alerted by presidential announcement that a possible tropical cyclone was approaching our coasts which generates high winds as certain moments of heavy rainfall of rain.

This movie called sharkwater begins with the story of a couple trying to relax by taking a trip to a remote village in Vietnam and able to fix certain problems within the marriage mostly caused by the lack of a child, because unfortunately the woman named Jaelyn in this case starring (Alicia Silverstone) constantly loses the fetus that can occur within her which caused her a terrible depression, anxiety and stress that also affected the relationship with her husband negatively to such an extent that they came to the idea of a possible divorce.

Before arriving at this option they leave and see this beautiful area with cabins made of stilt houses that seem to float on the water itself. Upon arrival they leave all their belongings and enjoy everything the place has to offer such as cocktails, recreational activities, free dances, local clothing and culture.


And everything is relatively fine until they go diving, the husband played by the actor (James Tupper) hurts the sole of his foot with a coral; so the fun ends and they return to the cabin where they rest part of the night because it is precisely at dawn where a heavy rain begins to fall with large gusts of wind that lift the waves from the sea to the cabin itself.

At this point the weather is getting more violent with every second that passes so you must make a quick decision (leave all your belongings in the cabin and run away until you reach land) or (stay in the cabin moving in all directions to wait for the storm to pass) for me the decision is clear, I would decide to leave everything behind and yell at my husband to run as fast as he can even if his foot hurts a lot it is a matter of life or death.

The decision made in the film is to stay in the cabin, which is then constantly buffeted by the strong gusts of wind so much so that the cabin becomes completely detached from its 4 supporting palafitte pillars and begins to float with the tide further and further away from land.


  • In this part my mother tells me that it is okay to stay in the cabin as much as you are aware that you are moving away from land it is better not to jump into the water and go against the current highly altered by the weather.

  • I told her that I prefer to go against the current to try to be as close as possible to the land area since out there you never know if there are sharks, piranhas, giant octopuses or any strange creature that can generate great damage to the body human .


These protagonists after spending the worst night of their lives and navigate adrift in a cabin almost destroyed reach a point where they hit a rock and in this case is Jaeylin who takes the reins in the matter taking the initiative to find the objects that are inside or outside the cabin as luggage, with the fabric of the old curtains made an improvised bandage for the leg of her husband because with so much hustle and bustle seriously hurt his leg.

They got a few plastic bottles of purified water from the hotel, which gives them the opportunity to at least drink a few sips of water so they don't die of dehydration.


Even so, Jaeylin has recurring visions that she will be saved by some kind of plane or boat, which sometimes are illusions, sometimes it does happen, but the distress signal does not arrive in time and the helicopters are not able to see the already deteriorated campaign; Being in this situation is the husband who realizes that with the plastic material of the water bottles can generate fire, fire that is then set on fire at the request of the woman by the desperation of the cabin to see the cabin to be saved, what she does not realize is that because of her fault the whole cabin is set on fire leaving this couple with only a wooden board.


I would like to take for granted that it is not a movie that I would recommend right off the bat or that I would recommend as a favorite because I did not like at all the relationship of the two main actors I feel that they should have been asked to show more deep feelings between the two and not as superficial as a (ok I cried already now I'm happy) (I burned the cabin is my fault let's fix the situation together) the second reason why I do not recommend it at all is that it is a movie of 2022 that looks almost pixelated, There are scenes where the effect of white smoke abounds which does not make any sense which visually generates great discomfort, the story I feel is somewhat forced which can give me to understand that they seemed to be unprepared for the realization of such a film.

For which I give it a 4 out of 10

Anyway to finish I ask all of you dear readers and content creators what would you do in these different situations:

1 - What would you do if you were in an island paradise in another country and the room where you are going to sleep goes with the tide

2 - Having 1 bag, a plastic water bottle with water and a stilt hut what would you do to get back to land

NOTE: All images posted in this publication are my own, taken as screenshots from my computer as the film is downloaded.
