RE: I Can’t Hear You


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I'm the same but opposite.

I find that I can't make out voices when there is a lot of background noise, so I end up spending most of the conversation trying to read lips or saying "huh, come again?"

But, I can't stand having anything in my ears, so I wear around the ear, noise cancelling headphones (BOSE QC35's in the office and 3M "WorkTunes" in the shop).

If you do a Google search for. "Custom molded in-ear monitors", you should get hits on companies that will create custom moulds for your ears. Musicians use them all the time when performing. On stage, they are usually surrounded by 120dB speakers/monitors and need to hear themselves as well as the band in order to perform. As such, the in-ear monitor all have rated noise reduction.

Here's one exmample. But I'm sure if you search, you can find some in Finland - maybe not the far North though.


Oh for sure it’s harder to understand someone speaking if there is background noise.

How fantastic is it that we can have a conversation online and not have to ask someone to repeat themselves over and over!? Maybe that is partly the reason I’ve always felt at home in social media.

So many problems can be solved with money 😁 I’m not that anal about my hearing devices that’d I’d need custom order some, and I especially don’t want to hear myself 😝
