[Spa-Eng] Bow legged/Piernas Arqueadas


Hola a todos mis amigos de esta grandiosa comunidad ! #Motherhood

Hello to all my friends of this great community !

Cuando khael estaba pequeño uno de las cosas que mas me preocupaban 😟 , era que tenia las piernas exageradamente arqueadas.
When Khael was little, one of the things that worried me the most was that he had exaggeratedly bowed legs.

El desde que tenia como 6 o 7 meses empezamos a notar que cada vez se pronunciaba mas la curvatura de sus piernas . Y esto causaba que mucha gente me dieran consejos , para las piernas , no voy a decir que no traté de aplicar algunos consejos , entre ellos juntarle las piernas mientras dormia.
Since he was about 6 or 7 months old we started to notice that the curvature of his legs became more and more pronounced. And this caused many people to give me advice for his legs, I will not say that I did not try to apply some tips, including putting his legs together while he slept.

Lo más dificil ,era que a cada rato se caia y aunque caminara lento se tropezaba. El uso un tiempo corto la andadera , porque la verdad nunca considere que su uso fuera muy beneficioso para los niños . Pero el haberlo utilizado me generaba la duda , de que si ese problema lo habia causado el uso de la andadera.
The most difficult thing was that he would fall down all the time and even if he walked slowly, he would stumble. He only used the walker for a short time, because I never really considered that its use was very beneficial for children. But the fact that I had used it made me wonder if this problem was caused by the use of the walker.

Entonces decidimos pedir consejo a un traumatologo que veia a mi mama por su problema de la columna , la verdad me sorprendio el diagnostico y sobretodo la solución , el medico nos dijo que eso, habia que operarlo y que en todo caso lo que podriamos hacer, si no se operaba era inmovilizarlo con unos yesos , por menos 1 mes y despúes se veria si nuevamente se haria el mismo procedimiento.
Then we decided to ask the advice of a traumatologist who saw my mother for her spinal problem. I was surprised by the diagnosis and above all the solution, the doctor told us that it had to be operated and that in any case what we could do if it was not operated was to immobilize it with casts for at least 1 month and then we would see if the same procedure would be done again.

Desde que el doctor comenzo a hablar y explicar lo que se debia hacer , yo solo imaginaba a khael con las 2 piernas enyesadas , sin poder moverse , el yeso pica en la piel , y el tenía alrededor de año y medio o dos años , eso no era una idea concebible en mi mente.
Since the doctor began to talk and explain what should be done, I only imagined Khael with both legs in a cast, unable to move, the cast itches the skin, and he was about a year and a half or two years old, that was not a conceivable idea in my mind.

Salí de ahi con la mente en blanco porque sentia claramente que esa no era la solución , varias personas que conocían al doctor hablaban de lo prestigioso de su nombre y que debia hacerle caso porque si no lo hacia , no podria corregir el problema a tiempo.
I left there with a blank mind because I clearly felt that this was not the solution, several people who knew the doctor talked about how prestigious his name was and that I should listen to him because if I did not, I would not be able to correct the problem in time.

La verdad me sentia un poco culpable, por no querer hacer nada , sonaba beneficioso pero a mi no me convencia , mis. #instinstosmaternos me decian o mejor dicho me gritaban, que esa no era la solución.
The truth is that I felt a little guilty for not wanting to do anything, it sounded beneficial but I was not convinced, my #instinstosmaternos told me or rather shouted at me, that this was not the solution.

Entonces deje pasar un poco el tiempo ,y cuando lo senti conveniente y encontre al especialista adecuado en la ciudad , un traumatologo infantil especialista en podiatria (especialista en problemas de piernas y pies ), lo lleve a su consulta , me mandaron a realizarle mediciones y unos examenes.
Then I let some time pass, and when I felt it convenient and found the right specialist in the city, a child traumatologist specialist in podiatry (specialist in leg and foot problems), I took him to his office, they sent me to perform measurements and some tests.

Desde el momento que me recibio me transmitio paz , y lo reviso con detenimiento , observo los examenes , y le hizo el chequeo necesario , me explico que los niños al nacer tienen esa curvatura que luego se invierte y por ultimo las piernas llegan a su justa medida. Que sí habia casos que necesitaban ser operados , pero que el mio particular , no lo ameritaba.
From the moment he received me he transmitted me peace, and checked him carefully, observed the tests, and made the necessary checkup, he explained to me that children at birth have that curvature that then reverses and finally the legs reach their right size. He said that there were cases that needed to be operated, but that my particular case did not merit it.

Ese momento me hizo saber que las madres deben seguir sus instintos , que nosotras estamos en el mundo para proteger a nuestros cachorros y que debemos defenderlos como lobas.
That moment made me know that mothers should follow their instincts, that we are in the world to protect our puppies and that we should defend them like wolves.

Con el pasar del tiempo , todo mejoro . Ya hoy en día , las piernas de mi hijo estan en su posición , y cada vez que dudo en la toma de decisiones con respecto a khael , recuerdo aquel momento en que senti claramente lo que tenia que hacer , y entonces confio en mis #instintosmaternos.
As time went by, everything got better. Already today, my son's legs are in position, and every time I hesitate in making decisions regarding khael, I remember that moment when I felt clearly what I had to do, and then I trust my #maternalinstincts.

Gracias por tu tiempo en leer nuestra experiencia ! #Momlife

Thank you for taking the time to read our experience! #motherhood
