Embrace (4) : A Freewrite

The signs of global climate modification are becoming more conspicuous. Climatic disparities along with augmented temperatures create a lot of trials for people, comprising but not capped by escalating sea levels, recurrent droughts, and erratic weather conditions, thus hampering the capacity to provide food and pure water. Moreover, global warming has brought forth many other matters that may be less visible but equally essential.

A weighty predicament is an equitable dispersion of various creatures across the globe due to disparate environmental conditions, with some regions being more attractive and others less pleasing. This could lead to a substantial decrease in the abundant biodiversity, adversely affecting mankind. Keeping certain organisms is imperative, and a robust ecosystem is more capable of facing numerous dangers, both natural and artificial.

This has an immediate consequence on the scattering of essential nourishment in the ocean, weakening its power to sustain aquatic organisms.

Mankind recognizes the impacts of global warming and other types of climate change, emphasizing the necessity of curbing them. If no action is taken, the present and anticipated effects will be disastrous, thus creating severe repercussions for both humans and the natural environment.
