A Personal Journey of Insights, Myths, and Healing Strategies of stomach ulcer

Isn’t it fascinating to delve into the mysteries of our own bodies, especially when it comes to understanding diseases and abnormalities? All around the globe, scientists are tirelessly working to unravel these mysteries, aiming to enhance human health and well-being. But let’s be honest, not many of us would volunteer to be a guinea pig for these experiments, right?

Now, let’s talk about my recent health journey. For the past few months, I’ve been grappling with what seems to be a stomach ulcer. It’s been a rollercoaster of discomfort and pain, and I’ve been trying various strategies to soothe my symptoms. However, I haven’t yet sought a formal diagnosis or treatment plan from a healthcare professional (did you know that stomach ulcers don’t have a definitive cure?). So, I’ve been learning and unlearning a lot during this time.

You might be wondering why I haven’t visited a hospital for a proper check-up. Well, on one hand, it’s a matter of affordability. On the other hand, the symptoms seem pretty clear-cut, and I’m already using the medications that a doctor would likely prescribe.

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Gradually snacking on my food even as I write this post.

So, what have I learned so far? First off, going hungry when you have a stomach ulcer is a big no-no. Experts say that an empty stomach can worsen ulcer symptoms and slow down the healing process. Eating small, frequent meals can neutralize stomach acid and provide a protective coating for the stomach lining. So, fasting or going for long periods without food can lead to increased stomach acid production, exacerbating pain, and hindering ulcer healing.

This brings me to a concern about weight gain. I’ve been maintaining a steady weight of 70 kg for the past few years, and I’m quite comfortable with it. I wouldn’t want anything to disrupt this balance. But should I be worried? Experts say not necessarily. People with ulcers aren’t necessarily at risk of gaining weight due to frequent eating. In fact, maintaining a regular eating schedule with small, nutritious meals can be beneficial for managing ulcer symptoms.

Now, let’s talk about food. I’ve learned that I need to steer clear of acidic foods. I used to think that fried foods were acidic and should be avoided, but it turns out that the acidity of foods isn’t determined by the cooking method, but rather by the inherent properties of the ingredients in the food.

Three foods that I love - pap, gaari, and oatmeal - have been under scrutiny since my ulcer journey began. Pap and gaari are fermented foods with a pH of around 4, meaning they are acidic. As for oatmeal, my concern is about the sugar I add to it. Experts advise against excessive sugar consumption for individuals with stomach ulcers due to its potential to stimulate increased stomach acid production, exacerbating ulcer symptoms. In addition, high-sugar diets may disrupt the balance of gut microbes, impacting gastrointestinal health and hindering ulcer healing

Another intriguing lesson I’ve picked up on this journey is the importance of sleeping position in managing stomach ulcer discomfort. Experts suggest that sleeping on the left side can be beneficial for those with stomach ulcers or acid reflux. This position allows the stomach to sit below the esophagus, reducing the chance of stomach acid flowing back into the esophagus.

In my experience, this position has been helpful in reducing discomfort, although it can feel a bit unnatural at first, and I often find myself shifting positions throughout the night. This restlessness has led to many sleepless nights. However, it’s important to remember that everyone is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s all about finding what works best for you and your body.

As my health journey continues, exploring the intricacies of stomach ulcers has been a captivating adventure. Navigating discomfort and learning from my experiences has been enlightening. From debunking myths about fried foods to understanding the impact of sugar on ulcer symptoms, each revelation adds a layer to this journey. The importance of sleep positions and the nuances of dietary choices have become crucial allies in managing this challenge. Sharing this expedition is both personal and relatable, offering insights that resonate with the universal pursuit of well-being.

Here's to unraveling more mysteries and embracing the unique path to health together!



Over ten years ago when I was tormented with stomach ulcer for more than five years, I was lucky enough to pumped into a herbal expert on one of his tv program who said;

"if you have stomach ulcer, take some Irish potatoes, cut it into piece and sun dry it. Grind it into powder form afterwards, mix it with pure honey and take it daily until the ulcer is totally heal."

He said after this remedy, couples with eating healthy food, if the ulcer is still not heal just know the problem is not an ulcer.

I took him on his words and my suffering for ulcer for over five years ended.

Maybe you might want to follow my lead and take him on his words.

Also, ulcer require that one eat timely and foods that will not upset the ulcer wound and I can see you are doing great in this aspect.

I wish you a speedy recovery, do take good care of yourself.


Thanks for the awesome and insightful response. I will definitely tap into the advice you gave. Coincidentally, I have pure honey at home and Irish potato is easy to get nearby. I will work on this right away.


I'm glad I could help, and please give it a try and give us an update later.


Hello friend, a good health issue that you address here, although I do not suffer from stomach ulcer, I see that at least the way I sleep can help me not to occur, as I sleep on my left side and sometimes face down. Greetings and thank you for educating us on these topics that can help improve our health.


Thank you @carlos84. I really don't know which sleeping position is the best for optimal health, but I do know that sleeping on the left side seems to have some correlation with relieving ulcer pains.

Perhaps I will research more.


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